May 24, 2013

Brand New Chick

Hey!  I'm celebrating - and not only 'cause tomorrows my birthday - woo woo!  I feel back to my old self but also onto my new self too.  Finding out who I am and loving it.  Choosing to say "yes" more to the fun side of life.  And feeling purpose-filled.  Keepin' on, keepin' on - remembering the wise words of the Yes Man when he reminded our daughter Naomi that it's not how you die, but how you lived your life.  And it's all about choices - you get what you give.  I feel so philosophical today - last thought for my 42nd year and embarking on 43 (yikes! who said that?!!)

Go forward Brand New Chick!

Keep smiling!

May 23, 2013

Past the 5,000 Mark

Thank you, thank you, and thank you again for following my Adventures.  I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy sharing my stories.

Adventure Mommy has had 5,132 hits!!  Yipee!!!

Tiddleywinks and Other Funny Stories

Today at the home, a resident was having difficulty remembering my name.  I pointed to my badge hanging around my neck and she said "Lea Volunteer". Yep. Most of the residents think that Volunteer is in fact my last name.  I never correct them.  Although today, Helen was a bit upset that she couldn't remember my name.  I asked her if she had known any other Lea's in her life...nope.  Okay. Well, my friend Steph refers to me as "Pixie Lea" as we have a few other Lea's (or Lee's) in our group. I like that name.  It does suit me to a T!  So I told this to Helen.

When our time was up Helen said "Bye Pixie and Tiddleywinks" - pointing to Roxy the dog!  I laughed and laughed.  What a great ending to our visit.  I'm sure that to Helen Roxy will always be Tiddleywinks now.  As for my name?  I answer to just about anything!

The other funny story is not at all related to the retirement home, but to my home.  My kids in fact.  Specifically what makes my son laugh in hysterics!  Just about anything to do with stinky farts, poops, you name it - the stinkier the better and Ben is howling.  Me too!  I laugh when he laughs - his laugh is so contagious.  Just thinking about it is making me laugh.

Keep on laughing and smiling!

May 1, 2013

Say Cheese!

Someone commented to me this morning that I'm always smiling.  I really do try to smile as much as possible.  Because sometimes you gotta fake it til you make it! I figure that my smile is contagious and I'd rather be spreading that around than the grumpies - believe me, there is enough of that out there already!  So...

Keep smiling!