Merry Christmas! What a week it's been if you live in Southern Ontario. We had a crazy ice storm that knocked out power to 350,000 people for days. So this is a Christmas we won't forget thats for sure. And thankful that we had warm, cozy and lit houses that we could stay in until our own powered up again. Thanks Mom and Mom & Dad!!
And on that same thought…just hanging out with Ben in our usual routine of good night snuggles. I asked him what his favourite thing was today. He said it was either playing Skylanders with his friend or the battle that him and dad had just before bedtime. I laughed and said I love you so much. You are a bright star in a sometimes really crappy day. And Dad and Naomi too. And Roxy he reminded me. Yes. Roxy too. And you are too he said. Ahhh. Thanks Ben.
Keep smiling! And I hope you are warm, safe and surrounded by people you love and that love you right back.