We've been real busy around here - hockey games, tournaments and now into dance competitions. Which brings me to this blog…hmmmm.
Our daughter dances competitively - well, semi-competitively actually. But it is a busy comp schedule even if her troupe is in only one dance. We still attend all the competitions that the studio is in. Yesterday we watched the showcase - that is all the competitive routines that the studio has and is presenting around town over the next 2 months. Wow!! It was amazing to see the talent of these young people.
Although Naomi's was one of my favourite routines - a jazz number set to I've Got the Music in Me, I found the Contemporary routines to be moving. Pure, raw emotion set to dance. We watched a routine set to a spoken word poem - and I got teary. The words, the narration - resonated within me. "To This Day" by Shane Koyczan is unforgettable. I watched it again today (on the link below) and I really bawled. Any mom who has ever doubted herself will be able to relate to a certain line in this poem. And hey, I cry when I read Hallmark cards.
I've attached a link to the website - well worth the time if you have a chance.
Maybe it'll move you too.