September 19, 2011

So What Now?

Okay - so what now?  The kids are in full time at school - isn't this what I've been waiting for?  So how come I'm not jumping up and down and doing cartwheels?  I know this is a deep question for the Adventure Mommy blog...but maybe I will get some insight from writing it down, seeing it live on paper.  I know I need to do something but what?  I have some prospects...volunteering at the school and volunteering at our local retirement home.  I know I would enjoy that.  Yes.  I will call and get some more information on that.  Keep you posted.
Now, isn't being the CEO enough?  I run the house and enjoy it - maybe I'm just too good at it.  I do want my brain to keep going, learning new things.  It's just that some of the old ways haven't completely worked themselves out yet.  For some reason I have a fear of driving - or rather, the fear is that I won't be able to get home.  What's up with that?  That's one of those things that I'm working on.  I keep telling myself that its odd, yes, but that's okay.  Sometimes life is odd.  Isn't that what I tell my kids?  That we aren't perfect and it's too hard on everyone else if we try to be.  Just go with the flow.  Dorie from Nemo kept reminding Marlin to "just keep swimming" as he ventured down into the dark water.  And you know what?  He got back just fine.


bill said...

I think this is a turning point or transition in your life because your daily schedule is no longer the same. It is a time to reflect and consider how to make this as positive a change as you can. And that is exactly what you are doing.

Well said Lea. I can hear nana saying to you, "..that's my girl!"

Meg said...

Lea! I had no idea you were blogging. It's great! I cried when I read the post about nana, she did have the best hugs.
I think its great that you are writing I always find that I can figure things out better if I write in a journal or something. I liked your point that you want to continue learning- have you thought about having your own school work too? Maybe working on your spanish more and taking an online course at a college? I am doing French through Algonquin college and loving it, not a huge time committment, in the comfort of the home you enjoy, but something new and challenging. They even offer online courses in blogging! lol
Just an idea- but also like the volunteer thoughts. Let me know what you come up with.
Love you and keep smiling :)
Love, Meg