March 26, 2012

Compass Rose

My aunt Kim and Uncle Jim have this great thing that they used to reference when their daughters were growing up.  It was the Compass Rose.  The idea is the same as the traditional compass (north, south, east, west) but they replaced it with Family, School, Sports, Friends.  It kept their girls on track with what was important in life (and in what order).  I overheard this at their house one day when Naomi was just a baby and we used to drive out to visit them.  And gain some parental wisdom.  Have I mentioned how well these girls turned out?  They are the most well rounded kids I know.  And I always tell my aunt what a great job they did.  Don't get me wrong - they had their challenges like everyone else...but they knew how to give their kids roots and watched them grow wings!  That is something to be celebrated!

Keep smiling!

Fun Fun Fun

I think the biggest thing I've learned about myself and this great journey that I'm on is that I like having fun.  Yes.  Me!  Fun!  Imagine that.  The yes man has been telling me that for years - have more fun (he's so smart).  But pushing out that chatterbox in my head that tells me just the opposite is a challenge.  And herein lies the basis for my blog.  To see it on paper.  The positives and the not so positives.

I have discovered that I love being with people - whether it's as a volunteer at the school or the retirement home, or having a coffee with a friend.

Something else I've discovered.  When you hear negative stuff, it brings on more negativity.  Yikes!  So I try to keep my thoughts as positive as possible - which leads directly back to the previous paragraph.

The last thing is, I feel so alive when I'm participating!  I love playing basket ball with my daughter or driveway hockey with my son.  The other day my son's hockey team had a family skate to end the season.  It was really a family hockey game...I was a little anxious - although I brought my skates anyway.  Good for me!  And I did go out on the ice and skate after that puck - and even touched it once!!  Those little 7 year olds are phenomal players!  I was feeling pretty proud of myself - and also thankful that I didn't fall on my ass.  LOL!!  But the best thing was that after the game, I felt so connected (with myself) that I drove home from the arena!  Me!  Yeah!

I also know that I like feeling thankful.  Thankful for all the wonderful things that have come into my life.  Thankful that I have family and friends to share this journey with.  Thankful.  And thank you for reading.

Keep smiling!


March 22, 2012

Action Packed!

What a week!  The weather was fantastic - just like summer should be (except that it is only spring...but I digress).  The kids and I have been playing outside everyday for hours after school.  Yesterday I even took my basketball to the park and played 21 with Naomi and a school chum of hers.  Naomi skunked us with a cool 23 and I was a close second with 19.  She made some super shots!!  Naomi and her friend took the time to explain the game to me - and even hi-fived when I got a swish (that's when the ball goes through the hoop without touching).  Yeah!  Great fun.

Next it was hockey fever this week in the driveway, and rollerblading too!  Naomi and Ben made a cool path on the driveway which included a highway, free road and a pond too!  Naomi even made up a song that went something like "follow the arrows, follow the arrows, follow the arrows" (wait, the funny part is coming up)...the song reminded me of the movie The Hangover and the part when they are driving along and the awkward guy sings "we're best friends, the best friends ever" (something like that) and keeps singing the same words!  I was cracking up thinking about that!!

And lastly Naomi was on the blades and the sun was in front of her - casting a shadow on the garage door.  I had to get a picture of this - it was so cool.  Check it out:

I think this is the most fun I've had in a long time...and here's a great quote that I came across:

"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about."  

They sure do.

Keep smiling!

March 17, 2012

Life is Huge

I think I've finally figured it all out.  Well, not really, but I like the sound of that!  If I had truly figured it all out, well, what would be left to figure out?  Life is an adventure - actually, I read a quote the other day that said "Life is huge".  Wow.  Powerful statement.  Life is huge.  This is what I want my kids to know inherently. That life is huge - an adventure for sure.  You get what you give.  That kind of stuff.

Adventure Mommy and co. are up at the JW Marriott Rosseau on beautiful lake Muskoka.  We were lucky enough to have another family join in the fun.  We are having a fantastic time up here.  The weather is warm and sunny (I know, I know, where did winter go?) and we've been having so much fun together!
Yesterday, the yes man, kids and I ventured into Port Carling for breakfast and the little restaurant we happened on had a "Karma Jar" on the front counter.  Let me tell you it was full of coins - and not just pennies and nickels.  Quarters and a loonie too (I put the loonie in).  Hey, I want all the good karma I can handle!  Anyway, it was a good breakfast and then we went on our way.  You know when a small Ontario town is on the map when it has 2 things - 1) an LCBO and 2) Foodland.  LOL!

On the drive up, we noticed tons of Inukshuk built on the Canadian Shield.  We wondered how they got there - I mean, do people stop their cars on the highway and build them?  The yes man thought maybe it was snowmobilers putting them there - like a kind of directional sign.  So I looked up the meaning of Inukshuk when we got to the hotel:

The traditional meaning of the inukshuk is  "You are on the right path."

So there we were - on the right path.  Yes to the JW Marriott and yes to Lea (that's how I look at it).  Thanks Inukshuk.  I think so too!  My wise friend Grace says that if it's foggy outside and you can't find you're way home, follow the longer arm of the Inukshuk - it will always point you in the right direction. Thanks Grace!

Keep smiling!

March 13, 2012

More Tuesday Musings

I like to think of this type of blog entry as rambling.  I can just let my brain wander around for awhile...and hope that my fingers follow!
It is the most beautiful sunshiny day outside - and super warm.  Summer could be just around the corner for sure.  The kids and I are going to head out and play.
Today was my visit with Roxy day at the retirement home...and because it's March Break, the kids came along with me.  I think Naomi and Ben were a bigger hit than the dog LOL!  The residents just love love loved them.  Then we went for an ice cream treat (me too!) and chillaxed at home.
My son opened up his bank account today - and is still asking me where his money is.  It's so funny how we take those kind of things for granted.  That he should know that the money is in his account.  But remember, he's only 7.  And sometimes seeing is the only way to believing.
Tomorrow we are off to the Zoo to meet the penguins.  Should be a great day for that :o)
Ben's calling me to come I go for some fun!

Keep smiling!

March 12, 2012

A Thought for Monday

I think I like rule number 3 best - because it is what I have been working on the past year.  I am also trying to keep in mind that the best way to work on something is to work through it.  Makes sense, doesn't it?  Otherwise, you'll find yourself in the same place in the future.
Another quote I love is from on of my favourite people...Oprah.  Oh, I have a ticket to see Oprah in Toronto on April 16th!!  Yeah!!  I'm really looking forward to that.  And my friend Andrea will be joining me.  It will be great to have someone to share the Oprah experience and also to talk about it afterwards :o)
Anyway, back to the quote... Oprah on releasing grudges:  "Forgiveness is letting go of the hope that the past can be changed."  Well said.
May you step forward today and have a wonderful day.

Keep smiling!

March 10, 2012

Roxy - Volunteer Dog

I volunteer at a little retirement residence here in our neighbourhood.  I feel very lucky to be invited to share my time with the residents there.  Some of them are at advanced stages of dementia which always reminds me of my nana in her last couple of years.  So that is kind of sad for me.  But, on the bright side, many of the residents are able minded and bodied.  They like to participate in all the wonderful activities that are offered there.  I should tell you that the woman that I volunteer with is the Rec Director and she is amazing.  Her thoughts are always centered on the residents well being and involvement.  She loves to keep them social and feeling good about themselves - which is so important when you are at that stage of your life (heck, important at any stage!).

I have the opportunity to bring my dog Roxy in with me once a week - and we go from room to room and have visits.  I had a particularly inspiring visit with one resident last week.  She said she was so glad to have company as she feels lonely.  We talked for awhile - about her beautiful art (it is absolutely fantastic and I am hoping to take some photos of it to post) and her life.  And that she feels blessed to have had such a fulfilling life.  I hope to have more time with her on our next visit in.
Most of the residents light up when they see me (or is it when they see Roxy?!).  They love love love that little dog!  It's amazing to see the joy in their eyes when they pet her or just talk to her.  Roxy is even on the official social calendar!  She's famous!

I look forward to our Tuesday mornings and sometimes I wonder who's getting more from this great experience.  Actually - I know for sure -  it's me!

Keep smiling!

Cute Little Lady

Well, we're officially on March schedule or routines of any kind.  Yeah!  So yesterday my son and I were playing Beyblades and he kept telling me how he was going to win!  "I'm going to beat you mommy"!  he laughed with his cute little new big teeth smile.  I said to him "You are a cute little boy" and he looked right at me and smiled.  Then he said "You are a cute little lady!"  I laughed and laughed.  Kids really do keep it real.
My daughter and I had a bake fest yesterday.  We made banana bread (yummmm) and then we made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.  We even doubled the recipe - and made about 100 of them.  The yes man was very happy indeed!  I may have to rename him the Cookie Monster!

Keep smiling!

March 9, 2012

Let me introduce myself...

While making some Quaker Oatmeal for my daughter this week, I noticed on the package "Tips for a Happy Heart".  They have had this on their packaging for years, but I have never seen this one:"Never underestimate your capacity for change"
This was good timing for me as I was totally underestimating myself this past week.  Lots and lots of doubt.  Pretty scary.  I felt like I was going backwards - and forgot all my hard work over the past while.  Forgot that negative thinking leads to yes, more negative thoughts.
Keeping that in mind, my friend had lent me a copy of The Secret on audio awhile back.  I had it on my entry table so I looked at it every day.  It looked back at me.  But I never picked it up to listen to until yesterday.  She thought that it would be good timing for me to hear it.  So I have listened to the beginning of the first disc and yes, she was right.  The Law of Attraction.  You attract things and thoughts to you like a magnet.  I have always thought that too.  But I didn't know it was a secret! LOL!  So I'll keep listening to it and maybe have some more ahh-haa moments to retell to you.
Anyway, I realized this morning that I have never identified myself on this blog.  Who I am.  Who am I?  My friend Andrea was telling me that she knows some moms who have business cards. If I had a business card it might look something like this:

I designed this myself using a program that I couldn't even figure out a week ago...and now I'm figuring it out!  Go figure!  

I hope you have a great day and keep smiling!

March 8, 2012

Thanks Mom

Well, Adventure Mommy has sure been on a ride this past week!  Lots has been happening and I'll fill you in.
I was having coffee with my friend today and we bumped into...surprise!  My free coffee guy!  It was great to see him.  I think that everything happens for a reason - good or otherwise.  It's all meant to be.  Again with the we are all connected but I really believe that to be true.
Anyway, free coffee guy is named Carl.  Carl was with his friend Paul and the four of us sat together and had a great conversation.  Turns out Paul had some interesting suggestions for my Adventure Mommy blog - so stay tuned for that.
We talked mostly about life and the curve balls that come our way.  And to make the most of what does happen.  About turning obstacles into a positive experience.    And that sometimes when you think you are at the lowest possible point that you could ever be at, well, that's when all the best things start happening.  You really do begin to find out who you are, what you are here for.  I'm working on that right now.
And last night I spent time with my mom.  I had lots of fears over the recent changes coming into my life.  She looked at me and said that she wasn't afraid.  She knew that this too shall pass.  That I am strong.  Thanks mom.
And thanks for reminding me that you'll always have stacks of cards with my name on them.

Keep smiling!