March 26, 2012

Compass Rose

My aunt Kim and Uncle Jim have this great thing that they used to reference when their daughters were growing up.  It was the Compass Rose.  The idea is the same as the traditional compass (north, south, east, west) but they replaced it with Family, School, Sports, Friends.  It kept their girls on track with what was important in life (and in what order).  I overheard this at their house one day when Naomi was just a baby and we used to drive out to visit them.  And gain some parental wisdom.  Have I mentioned how well these girls turned out?  They are the most well rounded kids I know.  And I always tell my aunt what a great job they did.  Don't get me wrong - they had their challenges like everyone else...but they knew how to give their kids roots and watched them grow wings!  That is something to be celebrated!

Keep smiling!

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