April 27, 2012

Thankful...by Ben

Ben came home with this list on Thankfulness they had made in class.  I'm so grateful that his teacher recognizes the value in bestowing gratitude in young children.  Here's what Ben had to say:

I was a bit surprised that his sister made the number 2 spot on his list.  Only because sometimes sisters can be, well, mean.  But that just shows you Ben's character.  He is kind.  Thanks for that Ben!

Oprah talks a lot about keeping a gratitude journal.  I think it is a great idea - to write it down (as opposed to just thinking about it).  You really have to stop and think about everything that you have in your life.  Sheryl Crow sings about that in one of her songs "...it's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got". Wouldn't it be a great world if we all thought that way all the time?

Which brings me round to a conversation that I had with my aunt the other day.  She was talking about nana - and that nana had kept a journal that contained many thoughts on what she was grateful for.  It was usually simple things - the blue sky, her family connectedness, the garden.  That was how nana was.  She felt blessed.  And so do I.

Keep smiling!

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