October 30, 2012

Kiss N' Ride - not what you think it is

I have been a volunteer at our school for years...I help in the library, hot lunches on Fridays, family game nights - you know - when and where ever needed.  I'm in.  And I love it.
This blog goes out to Cathy - a faithful follower of Adventure Mommy.  She is a fellow mommy at our school and she frequently checks on the blog state - and mentions to me when it's time to put up the next blog!  Thanks Cathy...sometimes I need a gentle reminder or a big shove LOL!

One other area of volunteer-ism that I participate in is our Kiss N' Ride.  When I first signed up for this I wasn't sure what I was getting into.  The Kiss N' Ride facilitates a safe drop off area in front of our school.  Usually things go smoothly on my shift, but I have had to use my "big" voice once in awhile and remind parents "Please use the sidewalk" instead of playing chicken and running through the very crazy parking lot.  Seriously.  I should also note that my "big" voice is actually fairly high pitched and squeaky and a bit nervous - it really comes out as "Um, excuse me, yes - you.  If you would please take the sidewalk as the parents are ruthless driving through here and you know it's really for your safety..." Ha! Ha!

If I'm in the Kiss N' Ride and notice someone not following the rules, I usually will open my window to say something.  However, if Naomi and Ben are in the car with me they are begging me not to open the window - something like this: "No Mommy - do not open the window" and they are mortified and hiding down in the back seat so no one sees them.  This is the ultimate mommy embarrassment.

And once in awhile, the Yes Man has to cover my shift (usually only once a year when I'm on my shopping extravaganza trip to Rochester).  He was totally disappointed as he really thought that he was going to score some kisses from the mommies going through the Kiss N' Ride.  I had to break it to him that it's not what you think it is...

Keep smiling!! Cathy - that was for you!

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