January 17, 2013

More Shopping Adventures

The other day I was shopping at my favourite grocery store - Fresh Co. - when a woman was coming toward me down an aisle.  Now, I have blogged before about being in the grocery store and convincing another customer to purchase something.  I can be fairly persuasive - and chatty.  A good combination. But this woman got me!  She walked up to me, and started going on about the merits of this all natural brown sugar - and it was on sale.  It's a 10lb bag of natural sugar! Not refined.  It's great in tea, coffee, you can sub it in for baking - everything! Well, I picked up that bag (from her cart), checked it out, she followed me to where it was in the store and voila!  I bought a bag.  I had a chuckle to myself in the checkout line...I was upsold.  Me!  Imagine.  What is this world coming to?  I better get back on my game.  LOL!

Keep smiling!

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