December 17, 2014

Christmas Magic

We have a little elf named Carter
Who comes to us in December,
He brings us laughs and joyous smiles
And helps us all remember.
His mischievous pranks and funny jokes
Keep our eyes lit bright,
The magic in our hearts that's Christmas
 Each and every night!

December 16, 2014

Have a Little Patience

I heard a radio announcer a few weeks back reminding everyone to have a little patience when looking for that "perfect" parking spot at the mall.  Then he went on to say that it's really for safety reasons - you never know what frame of mind the other drivers may be in...hmmmm.  That's the Christmas spirit alright!  Not! Give me the farthest spot possible from the door and I'm all set!  Now that's having a little patience.  And being super safe too.

Which brings me to another thought that's been bumping around in my mind for a few weeks.  I had a dream in which I was really upset.  So much so that my heart was racing for real!  I was talking to my dad in my dream and asking him to "please, help me find patience in my life".  I often talk with my dad in my dreams, although it's usually me doing all the talking.  My dad is deceased - and even in my dreams I am aware that he has passed.  Maybe that's why he is quiet. Anyway, I've been thinking a lot about that dream and it's meaning.  It's a bit of an unusual request, to find patience.  A good one though.  Although maybe next time I'll ask him to help me find the winning Lotto numbers!

Since that dream, I have felt more peaceful - and if that had anything to do with my dad, well thank you very much, Dad.  And I really do miss him - and often think of him when great things are happening in my life.  And also the not so good times too.  If I am totally honest, I usually say "damn it Dad - you should be here for these moments".

And to all the shoppers out and about, remember a smile goes a long really could turn someone's day around.

Keep smiling!

July 29, 2014

In the beginning...

I started writing the Adventure Mommy blog because I needed to write.  To have somewhere to sort out all of the stuff that I am working on.  Putting yourself out there for the world is pretty powerful.  I thought I'd write this entry because a few years ago a friend's husband asked me why I'm blogging.  So there you have it. And you know what I've learned?  That everyone's got their story.  Really, I like to say that everyone's got their s#$% but I'll edit for the blog.  It's amazing to me that once you start talking about things that maybe aren't going along tickety-boo in your life how people connect with that.  People will say to me "I really connected with what your wrote because..." and I aways find myself in awe.  It really does come right down to what I believe underlies most of my entries...that we are deeply connected and I don't mean through the power of technology.

Which brings me to my next thought...lately I've been thinking about the one block thats still residing in my mind.  I really do picture it as a 2x4 locked in place.  It's not just a nuisance.  It's stopping me from what I think of as completing the puzzle.  The puzzle toward ultimate peacefulness in my life.  I've asked my therapist "how do I get rid of this stupid block?".  Well, she reminds me of all the work I have accomplished and how far I've come and just to keep on keeping on.  So that's what I'm doing.  Keeping on keeping on.

And one final thought on this beauty of a day...

Tell someone you love them
Tell yourself that someone loves you
And laugh laugh laugh till you pee your pants (that's for Nancy)

Keep smiling! And thank you so much for reading Adventure Mommy

July 11, 2014

Still Adventuring!

Back again for another exciting summer up at the park.  We're already a full 2 weeks into our 9 week summer break and it's flying!  Slow down, summer!

I'm back to running the kids Thursday Night Bingo - what a hoot!  We've got lots of new kids in the park this year - one in particular that I met at our first bingo last week - Zoe.  She was a real cutie patootie!  She seemed a bit shy, so I singled her out during the bingo - "Hey Zoe, how's it going?"  She snuggled into her dad all shy like and smiled.  Then I asked the crowd if everyone knew Zoe yet and introduced her.  She got a big Pioneer welcome from the group!  And you know what?  The next day she saw me walking out of our trailer and ran over and gave me a giant hug!  Thanks Zoe!

It feels great to be writing!  I've missed keeping you all up-to-date with our adventures.  And speaking of mom has been travelling all over lately - well, Winnipeg for a wedding and then to Portugal for work.  Yes you read that right.  Portugal.  For work.  What a lucky duck!  I tried desperately to fit my way into her suitcase, but it was a no go.  She had a great time with many of her own adventures - and the return trip home to Canada had tons of laughs.  I told her I think I have to give the title of Adventure Mommy to her too!

So - what else is new you ask?  Still keeping on keeping on.  And life is good. Good friends, great family.  That's what's important, right?  

Keep on smiling!

February 24, 2014


We've been real busy around here - hockey games, tournaments and now into dance competitions.  Which brings me to this blog…hmmmm.

Our daughter dances competitively - well, semi-competitively actually.  But it is a busy comp schedule even if her troupe is in only one dance.  We still attend all the competitions that the studio is in.  Yesterday we watched the showcase - that is all the competitive routines that the studio has and is presenting around town over the next 2 months.  Wow!!  It was amazing to see the talent of these young people.

Although Naomi's was one of my favourite routines - a jazz number set to I've Got the Music in Me, I found the Contemporary routines to be moving.  Pure, raw emotion set to dance.  We watched a routine set to a spoken word poem - and I got teary.  The words, the narration - resonated within me.  "To This Day" by Shane Koyczan is unforgettable.  I watched it again today (on the link below) and I really bawled.  Any mom who has ever doubted herself will be able to relate to a certain line in this poem.  And hey, I cry when I read Hallmark cards.

I've attached a link to the website - well worth the time if you have a chance.

Maybe it'll move you too.