July 29, 2014

In the beginning...

I started writing the Adventure Mommy blog because I needed to write.  To have somewhere to sort out all of the stuff that I am working on.  Putting yourself out there for the world is pretty powerful.  I thought I'd write this entry because a few years ago a friend's husband asked me why I'm blogging.  So there you have it. And you know what I've learned?  That everyone's got their story.  Really, I like to say that everyone's got their s#$% but I'll edit for the blog.  It's amazing to me that once you start talking about things that maybe aren't going along tickety-boo in your life how people connect with that.  People will say to me "I really connected with what your wrote because..." and I aways find myself in awe.  It really does come right down to what I believe underlies most of my entries...that we are deeply connected and I don't mean through the power of technology.

Which brings me to my next thought...lately I've been thinking about the one block thats still residing in my mind.  I really do picture it as a 2x4 locked in place.  It's not just a nuisance.  It's stopping me from what I think of as completing the puzzle.  The puzzle toward ultimate peacefulness in my life.  I've asked my therapist "how do I get rid of this stupid block?".  Well, she reminds me of all the work I have accomplished and how far I've come and just to keep on keeping on.  So that's what I'm doing.  Keeping on keeping on.

And one final thought on this beauty of a day...

Tell someone you love them
Tell yourself that someone loves you
And laugh laugh laugh till you pee your pants (that's for Nancy)

Keep smiling! And thank you so much for reading Adventure Mommy

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