June 17, 2011

An Ahh-Haa Moment

I met a friend yesterday for coffee.  It was your typical coffee chit-chat - until my friend was talking about a great book she had read.  It was a parenting book and she told me that she doesn't talk about this one to too many mommies as it is a bit "heavy".  One of the main ideas that she took away from this book is to live in the moment.  You know how we all are so busy in our lives, and we are living in the next moment instead of enjoying this one that were currently in?  That is why we are so surprised when all of a sudden our children are 1, then 10, then bam-o, they are adults with their own lives, children, spouses, houses.  How does this happen?  Live in the moment.  Love in the moment.  Laugh in the moment.  Cry in the moment.  Ahh-haa.  That was a moment for me.

This morning while walking the kids to school, I practised not looking ahead to the next thing on my to-do list.  I held my son's hand and really felt it.  Warm, strong, small - wonderful.  I am wonder-filled.

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