June 24, 2011

Graduation (aka "Bring the Kleenex")

Today our youngest graduates from senior kindergarten.  For the past couple of weeks I have been coming to terms with a)my last child is growing up and b)my last child is growing up.  Lots of tears over this.  As he grows up, it cements the fact that the child bearing years of my life are officially done.  There will not be any more babies in the house.  Of course, we did decide this 6 years ago after Ben was born.  But now it seems so...final.  I am in fact, aging.  I didn't want to admit it.  My husband struggled with turning 40 last year but I happily did not.  40 was fabulous!  41 however, is a different story. I am now officially launched into my forties...not just at the edge of them!  I asked my kids yesterday if they would consider staying the age they are - not growing up.  They both agreed that that was not possible - they are in fact growing up.  So I felt it necessary to remind my daughter that she wasn't allowed to date until she is 30!  Keep on laughing!  

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