August 22, 2011

Counting Down...

Only two more weeks of summer vacation left!  My son will start grade one and my daughter will start her junior year of elementary school (aka grade four).  The kids are having a blast up here at the trailer.

I picked up some art from our annual craft sale - it said "There's no place like home except the trailer".  How true!  I always find myself counting down the days until the first of May so that we can head on up.  I have a ritual of saying hello to the lake when we first arrive.  And then on our last day here in the fall, I say goodbye.  I feel connected to nature when I do this.  It is a moment just for me.  And I cherish it.

An interesting thought...Marion reminded me the other day that "You are entitled to a good life."  It was such a powerful statement that I wrote it down and I keep it in my kitchen so that I see it everytime I am in there.  Yes.  Me.  I am entitled to that.  We all are, aren't we?

Sometimes I have these profound thoughts and I think "I'd better write that one down and put it on my blog".  Then I get distracted.  Enough said.

I'm still working on adding more laughter to my life.  Too much seriousness is far too serious :o)

Keep on smiling!

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