August 26, 2011

Summer Memories

As summer vacation comes to an end I find myself thinking about the things I enjoyed the most.  Summer memories.  Here they are although in no particular order... campfires, the sun shining on the lake, ice cream, friends, laughter, the flag blowing in the breeze, country music (we only get 2 stations up here), lego, the giant sand pile, bike rides, Alloro Pizza in Buckhorn, summer birthday parties, bingo night and the Chocolate Rabbit in Lakefield.

I know there are probably some things I've forgotten - oh yeah, Friday night.  Brad comes up Friday night and we have supper together and usually a campfire. Although I should tell you that usually by 9:32pm Brad is asleep by the fire.  In fact, our first summer up here he earned the name "Puppy Chow" from some of the other fellas...he still hasn't been able to live it down!  Oh Brad - you must stop bragging about your partying ability...sigh.

So, if you follow my blog you'll remember I quoted a line from a song - "when you lose yourself you find the key to paradise" just so happens that it is a Jimmy Buffet song - so I think of my cousin Ang everytime I hear it now as she and her husband are huge fans.

And on that note, one last great memory from this summer - beergarita.  Beer-gar-i-ta!  If you haven't tried it, email me for the recipe!!

Well, hope this finds you smiling - and keep on smiling!

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