December 9, 2011

Funny how connected we are.  I don't mean connected through all the latest techno gadgets...I mean really connected to one another just as humans.  Like when the phone rings and it's someone that has been on your mind that day and you answer and say "I was just thinking about you"!  Those types of moments.  See?  We are connected!  Here's another one: someone really totally wonderful just sent me the best quotes.  The thing is, just before I checked my email today, I was thinking that before the year ends, I want to put some great quotes on my blog.  You know, the ones that really make you go "ah-haaa".  I opened my email and there they were!  Hmmmmm...

So, for the rest of December, I am going to put up some of the quotes that really hit home with's the first.

Keep smiling and watch for the next great quote!  Maybe you'll have an ah-haaa moment too!

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