December 22, 2011

Karma Strikes Again

Funny how things happen.  Good things, I mean.  Take today.  My friend Steph and I went to Walmart.  On her agenda was to scan a Christmas photo of her kids (she didn't make enough the first time around - let me tell you, she made 100 the first time...) On my agenda was to grocery shop (I love our Walmart grocery section).  There was a small lineup in the photo shop and Steph was waiting.  There was an older lady in front of us who was having difficulty working the computer and getting what she wanted from it.  So she let Steph and I go ahead. I helped Steph with her order an in under 5 minutes we were done.  I looked behind us and there was the lady.  She was going to try again.  I offered to help her out (I'm fairly savvy with technology and people).  We scanned her photo, enlarged it and ordered it.  Voila!  She looked at me and said thank you and that I have really done my good deed for today!  I looked at it as sharing my expertise - and hey!  I enjoy it.
My story goes on...
So now I'm shopping around the store - grocery cart full.  Oops!  Forgot that I was looking for the Polar Express DVD for Steph - her's crapped out after watching it too many times.  The staff at the store said they hadn't seen Polar Express in the racks this year.  There was another customer listening in - and we started talking about how great a movie that was.   I carried on slightly disappointed.
In line, I had just paid and was loading up the cart to leave when this same customer found me in line and handed me...Polar Express!  He had dug through the racks and found it!  If that's not karma then I don't know what is!!!  He went through the entire store looking for me!!!  Well, Steph's kids have their Polar Express and I wished that man a very Merry Christmas!
And a very Merry Christmas to all of you!

Keep smiling :o)

Thank you to that man...

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