February 28, 2012

Trust Yourself

While having coffee with my friend awhile back, she inquired about my driving.  Or rather, my lack of it.  She point blanked me - what do you think it is? she wondered.  I wasn't exactly sure what to say.  I was having difficulty seeing with my one eye, but I knew it was more than that.  So I told her that I feel afraid.  Afraid that I won't be able to get home.  She simply said maybe you feel like you are unable to move forward in your life, and this is why you can't move forward in your car.  Hmmm.  I have thought about that conversation many times.  It made total sense to me.  It makes me cry to read this and also makes me laugh.  Funny how that works.

Well, that was months ago.  And my eye surgery seems to have gone well.  And I am driving.  Further.  Does this mean that my life is going forward too?  Sure does!  I know that it is.  Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming.  Such great advice!

You keep swimming too!  And keep smiling!

February 27, 2012

A BIG Idea -

Okay - I know you've been following my blog...and thank you for that!  I have been thinking about this really great idea that I had a while back.  It involves Walmart (I like that store).  Every time I'm in Walmart, I seem to have random conversations with other shoppers.  I should also tell you that I'm fairly persuasive.  For example, Dempsters  launched a new rye bread with fruit in it.  I checked the price (good deal) and thought hey, that'd be great to try.  There was an older lady hemming and hawing around the display, handling the bread and then put it back.  I said this is a great deal.  She said really?  You think so?  I said of course. You can't get raisin bread for any less than $3.49 - so this is a good buy.  Well, didn't she pick up a loaf and put it in her cart.  Ta da!

Then, on the same trip, another lady had picked up 6 Pizzaretta's.  I had the same in my cart.  We talked about how great they are - although it was me doing all the talking (surprise surprise).  I went on about how you can pronounce the ingredient list (thanks to Angie for that tidbit) and that my kids love them.  Well, didn't she go back and pick up 4 more!  That's how it's done.  Mommies are the best network around!!

So, back to my idea...(sorry, I was off on a tangent again!)  I think that Walmart should hire mommies to push carts around the store and and converse with other parents about products.  Although, with people like me in their stores, offering this service for free, why would they pay!  Ha! Ha!  I just thought of that.  Oh well.  I still like Walmart even if they don't hire me.  And I love being part of that huge mommy network!

Keep smiling!


Wow!  What a beautiful day.  I dropped the kids off after lunch and kept on driving (that's right - driving!) right down to the beach.  Roxy (our dog) and I parked and got out into glorious sunshine and a big wind.  It was mind clearing! The waves on Lake Ontario were the biggest I think I've ever seen - splashing up onto the sand.  I wished I had my camera to capture this beauty of a day.  One of my favourite things to do when I'm at the lake is close my eyes, look up towards the sky and just breathe. Feeling the sun on my face and the wind blowing all around me.  It is the most peaceful thing in the world.

Anyway, we were enjoying a stroll along the beach...Roxy stopping every few feet to get a good sniff (well, I'm sure its good to her)!  We were approaching another person who was walking slowly along the sand, and as we got close enough to hear each other I said "what a beautiful day."  She smiled and said "yes, aren't we blessed."  I said "we sure are."  And we are.  I am.  I thought about picking up a stone - just a little one - to carry in my pocket and that every time I looked at it I would remember what a beautiful day it was and that lady's words.  I decided instead to tuck the memory away in my mind.

As we got back to the car, I was totally aware of the sounds of the beach.  We have a yacht club at our beach and although all the sailboats are on land for the winter, their masts and lines were making a wonderful sound.  A kind of symphony - mixed with the waves - it was harmonious.  I got in my car and said a big thank you.

I hope that you have moments like these too, many, many moments like this.  This is what it's all about.

Keep smiling!

February 21, 2012

Angels Among Us

Today marks the day that my dad died 21 years ago.  Has it really been that long? Mostly I miss that he never met his grandchildren.  After all, they wouldn't be here without him.  It's amazing how life goes on - it really does go on.  When I lost my nana two years ago I think that was even harder than losing my dad.  Or maybe it's just that it has been so long since he died that it doesn't hurt the same way anymore.

I lost my grandpa almost 10 years ago, right after our daughter was born.  I brought her to the hospital he was at and spent the afternoon with him.  I was so happy that he had not only met, but held his great-granddaughter.

But, through all this sadness and loss comes light and happiness.  Life does go on. Time does heal - no matter if you can't see it through the grief.  It's being thankful for what we do have that keeps us going.  Marion (my step mom) and my dads sisters and brothers are very much a part of my life and that is a blessing.  And my cousins are my sisters.  And the yes man's family is right in there with us too!  We pull each other through tough times.  And you should see our family get togethers!  Fun times with lots and lots of laughter.

So today I am smiling and thinking how lucky I am.  And I do believe that angels watch over us.

February 20, 2012

Family Day

It's Family Day here in Ontario and it is a beautiful sunshiny day!  We even have a little snow on the ground...although I wish we had mountains of snow and a solid sheet of ice on our rink - this is one strange winter.  

The yes man is sitting across from me as I type this and I'm smiling thinking of his quirky ways.  He sprung a new one on me a few weeks ago.  It's called the "Rule of Coffee".  You can only pour half a cup (so it doesn't go cold) and no multitasking once you pour your cup.  In other words, sit still Lea (that's directed at me who's coffee is always gone cold by the time I get to it).  Most of the yes man's quirky ways are just a bit...well, quirky.  Like the worcestershire sauce...I'll say no more.

I am thinking about my family and all the wonderful people in it.  We (the ladies) met for supper the other night and our group was noticeably smaller than usual.  But wasn't it great that we still got together?  My one aunt pointed out that 6 is still a good sized group!  And yes it is!  When we are together, we talk about everything.  At least, I feel like I can talk about everything with them and how lucky I am to have that support network in my life.  We take the time to connect and to reach out to each other.  Which brings me to Lifebox - and all the ladies totally got it when we were talking about it at dinner. 

It was a big enough visual in my life that I used it for my blog address.  Months ago I was thinking about a tool box and how similar our lives are to that.  I mean, in our Lifeboxes we have tools that we use, sometimes we even have 2 of something.  And sometimes we can't find the right tool to do the job.  And if we're really lucky, we add new tools all the time (think experiences) wonderful and maybe not so wonderful.  But our Lifebox makes us who we are.  This past year I had to dig through my box, make space and get it ready for all the wonderful things that are coming my way.  Life is the journey, right?

Happy Family Day to you keep smiling! 

February 10, 2012

Pirate Pete

Good morning!  I couldn't resist writing in my blog today.  I'll tell you I'm probably not supposed to be on the computer, but it's just too fun and I missed it!  I had an "enhancement" procedure on my left eye on Wednesday down at Bochner Eye Institute.  All went well - that's what they tell me.  I won't know until the big reveal - which is on Monday when they remove the contact lens bandage from my eye.  For the squeamish, perhaps you should skip this part and go directly to the next paragraph.  Anyways, they peel off the bandage with a pair of pointy tweezers (and it does feel like your eyeball is being ripped off - at least thats what I remember from my first go).  Just having those incredibly sharp tweezers at your eye is scary in itself.  I hope the technician has a very steady hand...

Anyway, my kids have been really good with helping mommy - although I do remind them that I'm not sick.  I just need to lie down, in my jammies, with my Blu Blockers on and a nice warm blanket.  And would you please bring me my iPod with my comfy earphones, a hot cup of tea and oh yeah, where's my valium?  Ha! Ha!  Sleeping with the shades on is a bit of a challenge, and so is showering with them (they do get a bit steamy).

But all in all, I would recommend it - the staff and Dr. Ray Stein are excellent (and no, I'm not getting paid to say that).  I especially enjoyed the after surgery in the recovery area.  They serve you tea or coffee, have a great selection of Peak Freans and a super comfy chair that has the legs raised and massaging action too. I think Brad really enjoyed the recovery room as much as I did.  It's almost like a mini vacation.  And to boot, the parting gift is a luxury box of truffles.  Now really, where is the valium again?

Keep smiling!

February 7, 2012

Tuesday Musings

Sometimes (actually, most times) I'm not sure where my blog writings will take me.  Once in awhile, I have a great idea or a laugh and think "that would be great on my blog".  But more often than not, I just sit down and type.  I know that I've got a good entry when I read it back to myself and it a)makes me laugh or b)makes me cry.  That's my gauge.
So...Tuesday musings.  This may be a bit random but let's go with it.
My auntie Carol and I were hanging out last week.  She's hilarious.  Every time we're together I always wish that I had a notebook with me to jot down all the funny things we say to each other.  For example, we were complementing each other on our clothes, hair, whatever it was and she said "welcome to the mutual admiration society".  I howled at that!  I had never heard that before but loved it. I'm laughing right now just thinking about that conversation.  I think that is so important - laughter.
On the way to school this morning, Ben and Naomi were busy chatting with each other about what type of car they wished they had and I heard Naomi say "Ben just said he wished we had a cab".  That caught me and I laughed all the way to school.  Excellent way to start the day and I highly recommend it!!
So I think I've done a good job with my Tuesday musings - and I hope that you get a smile or a laugh from it too.

Keep smiling and thanks for reading!

PS - here's something else...check this out.  This turned up in my pot as I was cooking.  Hearts aflame?!

February 2, 2012


 "May today there be peace within. May you trust that you are exactly 
 where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities
 that are born of faith in yourself and others. May you use the gifts that
 you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you 
 be content with yourself just  the way you are. Let this knowledge settle into your 
 bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each 
 and every one of us."

I received this in an email from a friend of mine.  She thought that I would benefit from these words.  I loved it and I thought this would be something inspiring to put on Adventure Mommy.  The line that stuck with me was "may you be content with yourself just the way you are".  That is what life is all about.  And that's what I've been working on this last while.  Just to be.  To let go.  To accept.  To forgive.  I had an ah-haa moment the other day.  I have always said that marriage is hard work.  And it is.  There are smooth times and bumpy times.  But all relationships that are worth it take work.  So we have to decide which ones are worth it and which ones aren't.  And it's these keepers -  these relationships - that we cultivate that contribute to our lives in wonderful ways.  

Keep smiling!