February 10, 2012

Pirate Pete

Good morning!  I couldn't resist writing in my blog today.  I'll tell you I'm probably not supposed to be on the computer, but it's just too fun and I missed it!  I had an "enhancement" procedure on my left eye on Wednesday down at Bochner Eye Institute.  All went well - that's what they tell me.  I won't know until the big reveal - which is on Monday when they remove the contact lens bandage from my eye.  For the squeamish, perhaps you should skip this part and go directly to the next paragraph.  Anyways, they peel off the bandage with a pair of pointy tweezers (and it does feel like your eyeball is being ripped off - at least thats what I remember from my first go).  Just having those incredibly sharp tweezers at your eye is scary in itself.  I hope the technician has a very steady hand...

Anyway, my kids have been really good with helping mommy - although I do remind them that I'm not sick.  I just need to lie down, in my jammies, with my Blu Blockers on and a nice warm blanket.  And would you please bring me my iPod with my comfy earphones, a hot cup of tea and oh yeah, where's my valium?  Ha! Ha!  Sleeping with the shades on is a bit of a challenge, and so is showering with them (they do get a bit steamy).

But all in all, I would recommend it - the staff and Dr. Ray Stein are excellent (and no, I'm not getting paid to say that).  I especially enjoyed the after surgery in the recovery area.  They serve you tea or coffee, have a great selection of Peak Freans and a super comfy chair that has the legs raised and massaging action too. I think Brad really enjoyed the recovery room as much as I did.  It's almost like a mini vacation.  And to boot, the parting gift is a luxury box of truffles.  Now really, where is the valium again?

Keep smiling!

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