February 20, 2012

Family Day

It's Family Day here in Ontario and it is a beautiful sunshiny day!  We even have a little snow on the ground...although I wish we had mountains of snow and a solid sheet of ice on our rink - this is one strange winter.  

The yes man is sitting across from me as I type this and I'm smiling thinking of his quirky ways.  He sprung a new one on me a few weeks ago.  It's called the "Rule of Coffee".  You can only pour half a cup (so it doesn't go cold) and no multitasking once you pour your cup.  In other words, sit still Lea (that's directed at me who's coffee is always gone cold by the time I get to it).  Most of the yes man's quirky ways are just a bit...well, quirky.  Like the worcestershire sauce...I'll say no more.

I am thinking about my family and all the wonderful people in it.  We (the ladies) met for supper the other night and our group was noticeably smaller than usual.  But wasn't it great that we still got together?  My one aunt pointed out that 6 is still a good sized group!  And yes it is!  When we are together, we talk about everything.  At least, I feel like I can talk about everything with them and how lucky I am to have that support network in my life.  We take the time to connect and to reach out to each other.  Which brings me to Lifebox - and all the ladies totally got it when we were talking about it at dinner. 

It was a big enough visual in my life that I used it for my blog address.  Months ago I was thinking about a tool box and how similar our lives are to that.  I mean, in our Lifeboxes we have tools that we use, sometimes we even have 2 of something.  And sometimes we can't find the right tool to do the job.  And if we're really lucky, we add new tools all the time (think experiences) wonderful and maybe not so wonderful.  But our Lifebox makes us who we are.  This past year I had to dig through my box, make space and get it ready for all the wonderful things that are coming my way.  Life is the journey, right?

Happy Family Day to you keep smiling! 

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