December 10, 2012

It's That Time of Year - Take a Leap!

Christmas upon us again!!  In between volunteering at various Christmas-y things around the hood, and the mad scramble at school to finish up projects and presentations, Adventure Mommy found some time  this afternoon to enjoy a coffee and a leisurely shop through Wal-Mart.  Ha! Ha!  Leisurely my you-know-what!  It was a mad traffic jam - and that was inside the store!  Another customer suggested that Wal-Mart should put in traffic lights...and what about those long lineups to cash out?  Just keep smiling...

I digress.  My afternoon was leisurely.  My friend, Steph, and I shared some big laughs and some deep thoughts.  I should mention that on Friday we both attended a party hosted by our friend Kim - and she had a medium join in the fun.  This lady "read" about 30 ladies at that party.  The energy around us was huge (that was my interpretation).  Anyway - more on the medium was very interesting indeed.

Back to shopping - I noticed there were some grumpies out there today - ok I get that.  But there were some just as smiley as me.  I even had a few laughs with some of the other customers.  And I came across an Ahh-haa moment I found in the book section at Winners - check it out:

The last line got me - She Leaps Within.  Ahh-haa alright.  Time to leap.

Keep smiling!

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