December 11, 2012

The Great Unk

The Yes Man shines again!  Really, I could write a book just about him and his perfectly balanced life.  I mean that seriously.  Not that he's perfect, but he is perfectly balanced.  He is a Libra after all.

Anyway, Brad's great uncle, Unk as we affectionately called him, passed away last week.  We were fortunate to have the opportunity to see Unk the night before he died.  Our daughter Naomi cried when she saw Unk.  And the Yes Man said "Remember Naomi, it's not about how you die.  It's how you live.  Party on."

Well said Yes Man.  Well said.  This is why I love this man.

And a few days later we toasted to Unk, and to his well lived life.

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