March 18, 2013

It's the Little Things

Sometimes it's the littlest, tiniest, smallest detail that makes everything worthwhile.  Today I had lunch with my daughter - just the two of us.  Ben had stayed at school for lunch to participate in a lunch time program.  What a treat! We don't often get much "two of us only" time...and I know it means as much to her as it does me.

Our lunch was peaceful (remember she's 10 going on 15!).  As I drove through the Kiss n' Ride to drop her off afterwards, I said my usual "Bye, have a good afternoon."  She turned and looked at me, and said "You too."  Then she flashed me a big smile.  A real smile.  See?  It is the little things that mean the most.

I drove away, watching her hair fly out from under her pink hat and I flashbacked to when she was a teeny tiny tot...good memories.  Many more of those moments wanted!

Keep smiling!

1 comment:

Ella Rose West said...

Hi Lea,

Love this post. I don't have daughters of my own (I have two boys), but it made me think of me and my mum! For the last 12 months or so we have endeavoured to have a mother/daughter date once a month, and it's now a really important part of our relationship.

Thanks for the read!

Ella x