August 6, 2013

Bart Simpson

My dad loved the Simpsons!  Some of you may remember that the Yes Man won my dad's heart the day he showed up at our house for the first time, knocked on the door and when my dad answered, there stood Bart Simpson smiling.  It was actually Brad wearing a Bart Simpson mask, but hey!  It still made my dad laugh and laugh.

A month or so later, my dad and I were driving into work (we worked for the same company) and we heard the song Unchained Melody.  As we both sang I remember being surprised that he knew the song.  After all, I was 20 and thought I knew everything, but my dad?  He told me that alot of songs that were current hits were actually remakes of classics.  Pretty smart guy.  These really were the last memories of my dad before he passed away in February 1991.

I'm taking this trip down memory lane for a few reasons.  On August 4 my dad would have turned 70.  Wow.  Unfortunately, he didn't even see 48.  Too young, that's for sure.  And we all really miss him - his laughing fun side and his serious side.  And the side of him that reminded me that sometimes when things happen that "it's just another pit in the cherry pie of life".

My auntie Jul sent me a text that she was thinking about my dad and I.  Even after 22 years without him, we all still remember.  We each have our own way of healing.

I took a few moments to talk to him and wish him a happy birthday.  And then I flew my kite and looked up at the bluest sky and fluffy white clouds knowing that he's smiling down on Bart and I.

Just another thought on how things come around...our kids love to watch the Simpsons - just like their grampa Jack did.  And it makes them laugh too!  Ben even bought a Bart Simpson ball cap the other day - I just know that grampa would've wanted one just like it.

Keep smiling!

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