September 23, 2013


Yep.  Thats right.  Hock-u-pied.  Hey!  That's my word - I have been using it for the past couple of years and people always laugh when they hear it.  Especially if they have a kid in hockey.  Or a kid in hockey, playing both house league and select, add in some skills school, extra ice time, a rink in your backyard... you know the type.  Those (read: us) crazy, wonderfully crazy, hockey families.

Say it with me all you hockey parents out there...hock-u-pied.  Now use it in place of saying something like "we have a busy weekend coming up - we will be at the arena 4 times in the next 2 days times 2 kids"... you get the picture.  This will now read "We are hock-u-pied this weekend".  Hock-u-pied fills in the gap nicely.  One word that covers so much.  Hockey families will now smile knowingly at each other when they hear my word.  

Now, I'm not one of those moms that you would call a Hockey Mom.  I can't lace up my kids skates, I forget which order the equipment goes on - "Is it your chest pad thingy now?"  No mom - not yet!  And he goes through the correct order of the equipment going on.  And which jersey is it today?  How do you know if you are Home or Away?  And really, I feel like I'm that mom at the rink.  You know the type.  The other parents are whispering "Is she still really asking what does offside mean, again?"  I mean, really.  My 11 year old daughter who never goes to the practices or games understands the game better than me!

Seriously though, to all the hockey mom ladies that I know, you are all wonderful.  One more question though - Is that frosting?  I mean, icing.  Icing, yes that's it.  Frosting - no wonder they all roll their eyes at me.

Keep smiling!

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