January 29, 2015

It's SNOW Time!

Could it be?  No, I can't believe it!!  It's snowing!!!  Do I seem a little excited? Over the top?  Yes sir-ee I am totally over the moon to see snow!  After all, it is the end of January in Southern Ontario...we should have snow - lots of it!  It's officially toboggan time!!

We have a great hill close to us - anyone who grew up in Scarborough probably remembers it.  Some call it Dead Man's Hill - we just call it BIG.  And STEEP. And SO MUCH FUN!  Sorry for the shouting, but I just love to see the big, fluffy, white flakes that promise so much enjoyment.

Grab your sleds and head on out!!  Hey, it is Southern Ontario after all - we may have spring tomorrow.

Keep smiling!

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