January 9, 2015

Little Retirement Home = Big Fun

Armed with my Bose speaker, my iPhone and the Songza app I headed into the retirement home for Friday manicures!  The ladies had been harassing me on my Tuesday visit that we'd been away for too long (away for 2 weeks over the Christmas break).  They really love us!!

Well, I put on Songza, and chose the "Pleasing a Crowd - Celebrate Good Times" playlist.  What a hit!!!  Toes tapping, gossip flying and everyone smiling.  It was a great morning.  I'm still smiling as I type this!

One of my favourites - Maryanne, came up with a dandy quote on the spot (I wrote it down so I'd get it right):

You only live once - with limitations.  Let's not go overboard.

I know it's hilarious!  I think this is t-shirt material.  No pun intended.

Keep smiling!!

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