May 23, 2012

20th Century Tom

There's a little indie pet store in our neighbourhood (one of the benefits to not driving far...I've really discovered all things necessary are close to home!).  The shop owner is Tom.  Now Tom is a little quirky, which is one of the things I like about him.  He is always smiling and has a positive outlook.

So I'm in there today picking up dog food and paying with my credit card.  Now he is just about to tell me to put the chip in the card thingy - but realizes that my card is "old school".  And then I make an appointment to have Roxy groomed and looking fine.  He asks me "Don't you have one of those blueberry things to keep all your appointments on? (yes, you read that right).  I said no, that I'm old school and have a good old fashioned cell phone.  He says "You really are from the 20th century, aren't you?"  Then I say back to him (sort of like you've done it now, Tom)  "All right Tom.  Now you're going in my blog!"  He laughed and laughed.

Isn't it great to smile and laugh?  Try it.  Try it now.  LOL!!  Got ya, didn't I?

Keep smiling!

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