May 23, 2012

Lemons into Lemonade

I wanted to dedicate this blog entry to my friend, Michelle.  Michelle has had many changes in her life recently and is making lemonade from lemons!  She has started her own business - Set the Stage.  Go Girl!  I helped her with the tag line for her new biz:  "For all the stages in your life".  Seems to suit her new life perfectly.

So - I'll put up a few pics of my great room that she overhauled for me yesterday. She really knows how to pull things together and completely wowed the yes man and I!  In Ben's words, "Awwwwwesommmme!"

Thanks Michelle - looking forward to our next if we could just get the yes man on board!

The Great Room (isn't it great!!)
Another shot of our Great Room (big thanks to Set the Stage)

Keep smiling!

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