May 3, 2012

Dragon Slayers (aka Big Guns)

Adventure Mommy has joined a Dragon Boat team and we call ourselves the Dragon Slayers. There were lots of other name suggestions - the 20 Oars (apparently if you say this quickly 5 times it's funny), the Cheeky Paddlers but the Slayers stuck.  I joined knowing only 2 other ladies - in a boat of 20...what a hoot!

Our first practice was last we stepped out of the car, the skies opened up - and not just to rain!  We had some good old fashioned hail stones too and thunder. But our trainer said get your lifejackets, paddles and line up.  So we all followed the orders of this young man (seriously, he cannot be over 25).  There we were, not really knowing one another, soaked to the skin and getting ready for "an experience of a lifetime" (that's what the brochure said).

I was partnered up with Marisa - in seat number 2.  I'm left and she's right.  What a great partner.  We laughed the entire hour (except when we were listening and paddling, of course!)  Or is that, off course?!  Ha! Ha!  I'm soooo funny today!!  At one point, Marisa complemented me on my amazing form - I said thank you - and you're form is good too.  We are now official members of the MAS - Mutual Admiration Society (thanks again for that gem, Auntie Carol!)

Anyway, here are the 5 main points we learned last night on our first time out in a Dragon Boat:

1.It's called a paddle, not an oar
2.Lean out as far as possible - you should feel like you're going to fall out of the boat
3.How many times a man can say the word "stroke" in a sentence and it not be sexual
4."Hit" means putting your paddle into the water - not the person in front of you (enough said)
5.When the trainer comes up the boat to show your partner how to position herself, don't look at his (very tight) butt

Well, wouldn't you know it?  The rain stopped as soon as we got out in the Bay and the sun started to shine through.  Now that's what I call "a sign".  A sign that I should've thought this thru a little more...what have I gotten myself into...? A super fun time, that's what!

Our Mascot (the Dragon-not the kid)

I still really think we should have called our boat "Cougar Town".  Really, you should have heard these ladies!  LOL!  Who am I kidding?  I was right in there with them!

Keep smiling!

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