September 28, 2012

Roadside Assistance

Every once in awhile there is something really worthy to write about.  Like the clerk in the store that gives you an extra discount just because - maybe you were chatty and friendly, or she liked your happy outlook on life...that kind of thing. Well, Adventure Mommy had one blog worthy experience like that tonight.  Only better.  Read on.

The Yes Man, Ben and I had just dropped off Naomi at dance class and were heading home.  We were going to make a quick stop at the local Second Cup for a vanilla latte - a nice way to end a busy week.  We were travelling along when the Yes Man suddenly drifted over to the side of the road.  A very dark Highway 2 actually.  We had run O-U-T of gas.  Seriously.  That happened.  So we called Nissan Roadside Assistance - and although we had a very nice and friendly lady on the other end of the phone who lived in New Brunswick, she was unable to get any assistance to us here in Pickering.  What's up with that??

The Yes Man decided to make a run for the nearest gas station.  Ben and I waited in the car.  Then a tow truck pulled up behind us and voila!  Out pops the Yes Man and the tow truck driver.  With a gas can!! Yipee!!  So we filled up the tank and ooohhhhh - the battery was dead.  Seriously.  So the tow truck guy gave us a boost too.

I took the opportunity to jump out and thank this man very much for getting us out of a jam and to ask him if I could include him in my blog.  Sure thing.  Thank you Dave!  You got the Yes Man and Adventure Mommy on our way.  Isn't it great when stories have happy endings like this?  That's why I love to blog about things just like this.  There really are some fantastic people out there that just enjoy being helpful and friendly.

And I got to meet his fiancee (apparently Brad had just caught them coming out from supper at a restaurant on his way to the gas station).  Her name is Teresa Alice and she owns a company called Conundrum Decor. this like the nana story - the "Deer Crossing" sign from our road trip last year to the Finger Lakes?  I like to think so.

The Yes Man said he will no longer run on empty - meaning the gas tank.  But maybe it's a subtle reminder - a metaphor for life.

Keep smiling!

You Know Your Kids Are Growing Up When...

Lately I've been noticing some sure signs that my kids are growing up. Not just the fact that their feet are as big as boats (actually, Naomi has canoe feet and Ben has the paddles LOL!)  but some other signs have been popping up.

Naomi has mentioned in passing that she is now too old to play in the McDonalds playplace.  Oh well - I'm not too sad about that as we have come out of the Playplace with mysterious wet spots on knees and elbows...need I say more?  All the mommies out their are nodding their heads...yes, I remember that wet spot and I don't think it was a spilled drink.  Yuck!

And, she no longer thinks it's cool to hold my hand when we are walking to school, or walking anywhere for that matter.  And she is definitely not wearing anymore "little kid" clothes - we are now officially launched into Aeropostal, Ardene and the likes (not my liking mind you, but hers!)  

Ben, on the other hand, still likes to hold my hand.  I'm tempted to write "loves" there, but that may be a little strong of a word!  Like is okay by me!  And he still wants me to read to him, scratch his back and sing songs to him at bedtime.  So that's good too.  And I can still make him laugh without rolling his eyes at me.  Another check.

As I'm typing this I realize that I'm starting to relate to Naomi in a new way too. I'm seeing her growing up - and how proud she makes me. She's becoming more helpful around the house and she is even starting to set her own timetable for homework!  Yes!  Naomi.  This is a big change for our little Naomi.  Oops.  Little Naomi.  Well, to the Yes Man and I she'll always be little Naomi or Magoo no matter how big her feet get.

Keep smiling!  And thanks to all my readers...Adventure Mommy is a hop, skip and a jump away from 3,500 hits!!!! Yipee!!!

September 21, 2012

You Have My Heart Yes Man

Happy 16th Anniversary to my best friend, my one and only love and my favourite Yes Man, Brad.

Keep smiling!

Meester Arteest

Some candid shots of the artist hard at work...

the Arteest hard at work...shhhh

the Arteest having a moment...
the reveal - c'est magnifique!
I paid top dollar for this beauty piece of art - $10.  The Yes Man felt I'd overpaid, but I know someday this will be worth millions!!

Keep smiling!

September 12, 2012

The Question Bucket

When Naomi was in SK and grade 1, myself and two other mommies from the same class formed a little lunch group.  We would alternate taking the girls for lunch - to give the other 2 mommies a break for the day (or at least to only have one kid home).  This worked out quite well, although when you get 3 girls together, silliness, giggles and sometimes tears ensue.  And the kids were like that too!  Ha! Ha!

Anyway, to keep the lunch hour from a)getting completely out of control and b)to keep all the girls sitting down and focused on their lunch, I made up a few questions to ask them.  This went over surprisingly well (well, I thought it did). So the next lunch hour I added more questions, sometimes they were math related, sometimes they were drawing suggestions e.g.:Draw a mouse wearing a hat.  And they loved it!  These 3 girls started asking me to create new questions for the bucket and "Can we play Question Bucket today?"  I even took this bucket into school with me when I was covering lunches for the grade 2 and 3 class.

But one additional reason that I created this bucket was for Naomi.  To help her with her reading skills and also her confidence when she was with her peers.  It worked!

I saw this bucket on the shelf in our playroom today during lunch when Ben had his friend over.  Hmmmm.  I wonder would he like this too?  They each answered 2 questions and that was it.  Not as enthusiastic as I was hoping for but hey! They are boys.  And nothing beats checking out the go-cart or playing Skylanders on the wii.

I felt a little teary as I put the bucket back on the much fun we had with that and how many laughs at the answers and little drawings that came out of that game.

Sometimes the best things come from the littlest idea.

Keep smiling!

September 10, 2012

A Fish Out of Water

Last night I was catching up with my mom on the was great to talk to her.  She asked me if I felt like a fish out of water - after having been up at the trailer for almost 10 weeks (can you believe how lucky I am to be able to do that??).  I would be lying if I answered "no".  So yes.  I do feel a little like that. And that's okay.  Isn't change good?  I think the more change the better - continually learning to bend and not break...that's the goal.  I would also like to report how relaxed I feel.  And the huge laugh the Yes Man and I had last night. I was loading up the dishwasher and doing all my regular CEO chores when I asked him what was on his calendar for tomorrow.  He gave me the run down of his (usually) hectic day.  Then I said "hmmm, what's on my calendar for tomorrow?" (looking at the calendar on the fridge).  "Oh, nothing"  Hilarious!! What I really meant was nothing out of the ordinary - like volunteering at the school or the old age home, or meeting up with the ladies for a latte...Boy did we laugh!  I think it took him off guard for a sec.  It's so good to laugh.  And to be home.  And chillin' with the Yes Man.

It's all good.

Thank you!

Keep smiling!

September 6, 2012

Heart in Hand

I have attempted to write this blog many times over the past year.  I just couldn't get the words right.  So here goes -

A few years ago, when my Nana died, I had an opportunity to teach my daughter Naomi all about hearts in hands.  I just came up with it on the fly - and it really stuck with her (and me).  You see, we were at my nana's funeral and Naomi was seated near a cousin of mine.  Naomi chose that particular time to question her incessantly about her lack of boyfriend / husband in her life.  I heard about it later that day from another cousin and I was mortified.  Oh boy.  It's one thing to have that conversation, but it doesn't ususally involve a 7 year old!  And on the same day, Naomi decided to question her nana on a few things.  Needless to say, I was mortified again and knew that I had to talk to Naomi.

I took the time to explain to her that when we are in conversation with people, talking face to face, you are the keepers of their hearts for that brief moment. You hold their heart in the palm of your hand and you are trusted to keep it safe. And that she hadn't done that.  Of course, she was only 7 at the time and didn't know that she crushed a few hearts that day - but those hearts forgave her for that.  It was a valuable lesson - and I know that she thinks about that conversation because sometimes she's reminds me that I hold her heart too.

If that's not learning, then I don't know what is!

Keep smiling!