September 12, 2012

The Question Bucket

When Naomi was in SK and grade 1, myself and two other mommies from the same class formed a little lunch group.  We would alternate taking the girls for lunch - to give the other 2 mommies a break for the day (or at least to only have one kid home).  This worked out quite well, although when you get 3 girls together, silliness, giggles and sometimes tears ensue.  And the kids were like that too!  Ha! Ha!

Anyway, to keep the lunch hour from a)getting completely out of control and b)to keep all the girls sitting down and focused on their lunch, I made up a few questions to ask them.  This went over surprisingly well (well, I thought it did). So the next lunch hour I added more questions, sometimes they were math related, sometimes they were drawing suggestions e.g.:Draw a mouse wearing a hat.  And they loved it!  These 3 girls started asking me to create new questions for the bucket and "Can we play Question Bucket today?"  I even took this bucket into school with me when I was covering lunches for the grade 2 and 3 class.

But one additional reason that I created this bucket was for Naomi.  To help her with her reading skills and also her confidence when she was with her peers.  It worked!

I saw this bucket on the shelf in our playroom today during lunch when Ben had his friend over.  Hmmmm.  I wonder would he like this too?  They each answered 2 questions and that was it.  Not as enthusiastic as I was hoping for but hey! They are boys.  And nothing beats checking out the go-cart or playing Skylanders on the wii.

I felt a little teary as I put the bucket back on the much fun we had with that and how many laughs at the answers and little drawings that came out of that game.

Sometimes the best things come from the littlest idea.

Keep smiling!

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