September 28, 2012

You Know Your Kids Are Growing Up When...

Lately I've been noticing some sure signs that my kids are growing up. Not just the fact that their feet are as big as boats (actually, Naomi has canoe feet and Ben has the paddles LOL!)  but some other signs have been popping up.

Naomi has mentioned in passing that she is now too old to play in the McDonalds playplace.  Oh well - I'm not too sad about that as we have come out of the Playplace with mysterious wet spots on knees and elbows...need I say more?  All the mommies out their are nodding their heads...yes, I remember that wet spot and I don't think it was a spilled drink.  Yuck!

And, she no longer thinks it's cool to hold my hand when we are walking to school, or walking anywhere for that matter.  And she is definitely not wearing anymore "little kid" clothes - we are now officially launched into Aeropostal, Ardene and the likes (not my liking mind you, but hers!)  

Ben, on the other hand, still likes to hold my hand.  I'm tempted to write "loves" there, but that may be a little strong of a word!  Like is okay by me!  And he still wants me to read to him, scratch his back and sing songs to him at bedtime.  So that's good too.  And I can still make him laugh without rolling his eyes at me.  Another check.

As I'm typing this I realize that I'm starting to relate to Naomi in a new way too. I'm seeing her growing up - and how proud she makes me. She's becoming more helpful around the house and she is even starting to set her own timetable for homework!  Yes!  Naomi.  This is a big change for our little Naomi.  Oops.  Little Naomi.  Well, to the Yes Man and I she'll always be little Naomi or Magoo no matter how big her feet get.

Keep smiling!  And thanks to all my readers...Adventure Mommy is a hop, skip and a jump away from 3,500 hits!!!! Yipee!!!

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