September 10, 2012

A Fish Out of Water

Last night I was catching up with my mom on the was great to talk to her.  She asked me if I felt like a fish out of water - after having been up at the trailer for almost 10 weeks (can you believe how lucky I am to be able to do that??).  I would be lying if I answered "no".  So yes.  I do feel a little like that. And that's okay.  Isn't change good?  I think the more change the better - continually learning to bend and not break...that's the goal.  I would also like to report how relaxed I feel.  And the huge laugh the Yes Man and I had last night. I was loading up the dishwasher and doing all my regular CEO chores when I asked him what was on his calendar for tomorrow.  He gave me the run down of his (usually) hectic day.  Then I said "hmmm, what's on my calendar for tomorrow?" (looking at the calendar on the fridge).  "Oh, nothing"  Hilarious!! What I really meant was nothing out of the ordinary - like volunteering at the school or the old age home, or meeting up with the ladies for a latte...Boy did we laugh!  I think it took him off guard for a sec.  It's so good to laugh.  And to be home.  And chillin' with the Yes Man.

It's all good.

Thank you!

Keep smiling!

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