September 6, 2012

Heart in Hand

I have attempted to write this blog many times over the past year.  I just couldn't get the words right.  So here goes -

A few years ago, when my Nana died, I had an opportunity to teach my daughter Naomi all about hearts in hands.  I just came up with it on the fly - and it really stuck with her (and me).  You see, we were at my nana's funeral and Naomi was seated near a cousin of mine.  Naomi chose that particular time to question her incessantly about her lack of boyfriend / husband in her life.  I heard about it later that day from another cousin and I was mortified.  Oh boy.  It's one thing to have that conversation, but it doesn't ususally involve a 7 year old!  And on the same day, Naomi decided to question her nana on a few things.  Needless to say, I was mortified again and knew that I had to talk to Naomi.

I took the time to explain to her that when we are in conversation with people, talking face to face, you are the keepers of their hearts for that brief moment. You hold their heart in the palm of your hand and you are trusted to keep it safe. And that she hadn't done that.  Of course, she was only 7 at the time and didn't know that she crushed a few hearts that day - but those hearts forgave her for that.  It was a valuable lesson - and I know that she thinks about that conversation because sometimes she's reminds me that I hold her heart too.

If that's not learning, then I don't know what is!

Keep smiling!

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