December 31, 2012

Happy New Year 2013!

Bet 'cha thought that Adventure Mommy had fallen off the face of the earth! Well, I'm here to tell you that a) I haven't and b) to wish all my followers a very happy, healthy, wonder-filled 2013!

First, a gigantic thank you to all my followers - Adventure Mommy had 4,133 hits to date.  Whew and wow!  I am blown away that people are interested in what I have to say.  Thank you again and I hope that I can keep you reading in 2013!

And also, I want to take a moment to reflect on the past year...

We said goodbye to a very wonderful family member this year - Unk.
And our family also experienced other changes - such is life.  To the Yes Man's sister - you are starting a new life.  May it be everything that you hope for and more.  And keep your kids filled with hope and love - you said it right on, Nance. Go girl!

To my cousins - part 1 and 3 of the 3 Mouse-ke-teers, you are always in my thoughts and may you find the strength and courage that you may need in the coming year.  And remember that part 2 (that's me) is always ready with a big hug, or a laugh or a shoulder if you need it.  I love you both.

To my kids, 2012 was a blast - all the Lego building, dancing, swimming and hockey hockey hockey playing that kept us busy.  And the last few days of tobogganing have been awe-se-mazing!!  I haven't had that much fun being a kid in ages.  LOL!

Mom and Mom & Dad, what a great year with you.  And I am so thankful that you are all still happy, healthy and vibrant.  May 2013 be an even better year than 2012.

And to the Yes Man, my favourite person in the world...thank you.  2013 is looking good already!

Surround yourself with love and the world blossoms before your eyes.

Keep smiling and Happy New Year!

December 11, 2012

The Great Unk

The Yes Man shines again!  Really, I could write a book just about him and his perfectly balanced life.  I mean that seriously.  Not that he's perfect, but he is perfectly balanced.  He is a Libra after all.

Anyway, Brad's great uncle, Unk as we affectionately called him, passed away last week.  We were fortunate to have the opportunity to see Unk the night before he died.  Our daughter Naomi cried when she saw Unk.  And the Yes Man said "Remember Naomi, it's not about how you die.  It's how you live.  Party on."

Well said Yes Man.  Well said.  This is why I love this man.

And a few days later we toasted to Unk, and to his well lived life.

December 10, 2012

It's That Time of Year - Take a Leap!

Christmas upon us again!!  In between volunteering at various Christmas-y things around the hood, and the mad scramble at school to finish up projects and presentations, Adventure Mommy found some time  this afternoon to enjoy a coffee and a leisurely shop through Wal-Mart.  Ha! Ha!  Leisurely my you-know-what!  It was a mad traffic jam - and that was inside the store!  Another customer suggested that Wal-Mart should put in traffic lights...and what about those long lineups to cash out?  Just keep smiling...

I digress.  My afternoon was leisurely.  My friend, Steph, and I shared some big laughs and some deep thoughts.  I should mention that on Friday we both attended a party hosted by our friend Kim - and she had a medium join in the fun.  This lady "read" about 30 ladies at that party.  The energy around us was huge (that was my interpretation).  Anyway - more on the medium was very interesting indeed.

Back to shopping - I noticed there were some grumpies out there today - ok I get that.  But there were some just as smiley as me.  I even had a few laughs with some of the other customers.  And I came across an Ahh-haa moment I found in the book section at Winners - check it out:

The last line got me - She Leaps Within.  Ahh-haa alright.  Time to leap.

Keep smiling!

November 28, 2012

Working Things Out - aka Coffee Time

I think it was serendipity.  I have heard that word alot this year - which is funny because I don't think I ever used it or heard it much before.
Last week, before the 3 amigas headed to Rochester for some serious Black Friday shopping, I headed over to see my chiropractor.  I thought I better be in the best possible shape for all that bag carrying, coffee drinking trip.  Not to mention, the track which requires the most diligent mental preparation and concentration.
While I was cashing out at the front desk in the chiro's office, I noticed that there was a new practitioner  in his office.  A new therapist (for your mind).  Wow. Serendipity at it's best!  So I met briefly with her and made an appointment for when I returned.  Which was today.
It went well.  I have been with my other guy for 22 it was a bit daunting to open up and go into all the gory details again with someone new.
Anyway, at the front desk again, the receptionist and I were talking about how great it is to see a therapist and to talk.  Talk freely without judgement.  She was mentioning about her son and how much  therapy has helped him.  Yep.  I totally agree (for myself as I don't know her son!).  And the therapist thought that maybe starting a group would be great - and I said "I thought that was called going for coffee".  They both howled at that.  I'm so funny!

Keep smiling!

November 20, 2012

Black Friday Here We Come!

Wow!  I know it's been awhile since my last blog as I had to officially sign in again!!

Well, the 3 mouse-ke-teers are officially (2 more sleeps) on our way to Rochester for Black Friday shopping.  Yipee!!  I hope to have some pics to post this year of our crazy - I mean totally sane - shopping extravaganza.  The organizer, my cousin Ang, has once again included the insane wake up time of 3am...but this gets us to the stores just when the first mad rush midnight shoppers are leaving.

Today I received a parcel in the mail that had the number 45 randomly marked on it.  This is not my house number - but it is a number that my family thinks of as lucky.  It was the house number of our nana and grampa' once again, like our Deer Crossing story from last year, I believe that nana is watching over us. The Yes Man probably sent her a message to watch over my spending and keep me in check! Ha! Ha!

We also added an extra night to our get away - this is purely to facilitate more shopping time and definitely not the track.  No, definitely not the track.  Okay, okay - maybe more track time...maybe there will be a horse called Nana or Grampa or Lucky Day...I'll keep you posted!

And a huge thank you goes out to all the followers of Adventure Mommy - we're at almost 4,000 hits!!!!

Keep smiling and thanks for reading!

November 11, 2012

We Remember

I'm sitting here with the Yes Man drinking a cup of Tim Horton's and I hear a sound on the radio that I think is the signal.  I jump up - and simultaneously look at the kitchen clock.  It's only 10am - still another hour until 11am - our minute of silence not yet upon us.

On Friday, our school honoured those who have served and continue to serve, with a ceremony.  We had the grade 1 class sing John Lennon's Imagine - and brought tears to some.  It brings tears to mine as I write this.  Other grades presented somber short plays depicting the front lines.  There was a video presentation with images of war to remind us how lucky we are to be Canadian, and safe.

Back to our coffee...the Yes Man says "Should we email Unk?"  Email Unk?  Yes, it's Remembrance Day.  I haven't ever emailed Unk on Rememberance Day. Unk is Uncle Glenn who fought in WWII and survived.   And just turned 97.  We will take our minute of silence on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month and say We Remember.  And Thank You.

And Thank You to William O. Stanley, my grandpa, that also was in WWII and survived.  He and his wife, Alice, raised 5 children.  And they carried on and had kids of their own.  And so it goes.

And Thank You to Rick Nicholls, the Yes Man's cousin, who is currently serving and has done a tour of duty in Afghanistan.

And Thank You to all the others that bravely fought and still fight for our freedom.

November 8, 2012

The Butterfly and the Angel

It is rather like looking at clouds and seeing clear images but sometimes no one else can see them...

This painting was created as an abstract and I love the emotion that this painting evokes - it is very uplifting and peaceful.  I see a golden butterfly with wings soaring through the bluest of skies.  Thank you to my beautiful and talented aunt, Jan Coombs, for sharing this with me and allowing me to share it with you.

Keep smiling!

October 31, 2012

Boo! Happy Hallowe'en!

"Psycho" Clown
This is the scene at our house this year...far too frightful for mommy! AHHHHHHH!  Our son picked this scary costume...I was really hoping that he would be the hero / Indiana Jones type costume that he usually is.  Our daughter decided to forego the usual witch / goth witch / vampire witch and be a classy lady bug.  Whew!

Classy Bugs

Spooky Cake Pops from Every Occakesion

Adventure Mommy and co. are heading out to a hallowe'en party tonight...and we are taking these delicious, spook-tacular cake pops for the kids (and some adults if they are lucky)!  Aren't they awes-amazing??  That's Naomi's new word - and I think it's awes-amazing too!

May you have a SPOOK-TACULAR hallowe'en!


October 30, 2012

Kiss N' Ride - not what you think it is

I have been a volunteer at our school for years...I help in the library, hot lunches on Fridays, family game nights - you know - when and where ever needed.  I'm in.  And I love it.
This blog goes out to Cathy - a faithful follower of Adventure Mommy.  She is a fellow mommy at our school and she frequently checks on the blog state - and mentions to me when it's time to put up the next blog!  Thanks Cathy...sometimes I need a gentle reminder or a big shove LOL!

One other area of volunteer-ism that I participate in is our Kiss N' Ride.  When I first signed up for this I wasn't sure what I was getting into.  The Kiss N' Ride facilitates a safe drop off area in front of our school.  Usually things go smoothly on my shift, but I have had to use my "big" voice once in awhile and remind parents "Please use the sidewalk" instead of playing chicken and running through the very crazy parking lot.  Seriously.  I should also note that my "big" voice is actually fairly high pitched and squeaky and a bit nervous - it really comes out as "Um, excuse me, yes - you.  If you would please take the sidewalk as the parents are ruthless driving through here and you know it's really for your safety..." Ha! Ha!

If I'm in the Kiss N' Ride and notice someone not following the rules, I usually will open my window to say something.  However, if Naomi and Ben are in the car with me they are begging me not to open the window - something like this: "No Mommy - do not open the window" and they are mortified and hiding down in the back seat so no one sees them.  This is the ultimate mommy embarrassment.

And once in awhile, the Yes Man has to cover my shift (usually only once a year when I'm on my shopping extravaganza trip to Rochester).  He was totally disappointed as he really thought that he was going to score some kisses from the mommies going through the Kiss N' Ride.  I had to break it to him that it's not what you think it is...

Keep smiling!! Cathy - that was for you!

October 25, 2012

Making Room for More

This is what it all comes down to.  Removing the drama from your life and making room for what really matters.  What really counts.  Positive energy - and positive people that create that good energy.  I  am aware that I have been doing this throughout my life.  I choose my friends - for all the greatness that they possess.  Not money.  Not fame.  But love, compassion, caring.  Also - a great sense of humour goes a long way too!  I'm so grateful that I have this in my family too.  The ladies in my family are a huge inspiration to me.  I feel connected to all of them - and they all bring something unique to the table.

My friend Steph and I were out last night at our School Council meeting and on the drive home we had some huge laughs. I thought to myself as I got out of the car, I'd love to have more nights like this. Laughing and spending more time with other women who have the same values as me.  It makes my heart sing.

And on that note...(no pun intended!) the 3 mousketeers are heading off to Rochester for our annual shopping extravaganza.  I'm counting the sleeps!

Keep smiling!

October 16, 2012

More Tuesday Musings

Well said.  Still learning and growing (thankful for that!)  

My weekly visits at the retirement home are a constant reminder to make every moment count.  I see it clearly in the residents who have done that throughout their lives and also in the ones that weren't able to. 

More than ever - Keep smiling and make every moment count.

October 12, 2012


For the past year or so, I had a note taped to my fridge that said "I am a strong and worthy person".  I looked at it everyday - many times - and repeated these words to myself.  Sometimes out loud, sometimes just quietly.

When I returned home in September from our summer away at the trailer, I took this note down.  I know that I am a strong and worthy person.  Yeah!  Then I went out to Home Sense and saw this (and had to buy it - I love love love the words!)

So this little note on my fridge, grew up and became this wonderful word wall.  I absolutely love the words on this - especially Be Legendary.  Imagine me. Legendary! Well, maybe I'll just start with Be fearless!  

Keep smiling!

October 10, 2012

Wining (not whining) in Niagara

Adventure Mommy and the Yes Man (we sound like Superheroes!)

The Yes Man and I recently celebrated our 16th anniversary.  We decided to go to Niagara Falls and check out a few wineries - we hit 7 or 8 of them!!  I really enjoy Ontario red wines and happy to report that we found a dozen or so to bring home with us. The beauty of going to Niagara wine region is that you get to taste and purchase wines that aren't necessarily available in the LCBO - so for that reason alone I highly recommend a visit.

We stayed at the Hilton Doubletree in Niagara Falls and it was wonderful!!  If I did advertise my blog I would definitely recommend staying there.  If only for the deliciously warm, gooey, chocolately, nutty cookie they give you on check in!! Yummmmmm!  And the bonus is that it is centrally located in the Falls area - you can Clifton Hills to your hearts content or sip a Misto at Starbucks (thanks to my cousin Meg for that tidbit on the coffee).  And not only did we sip our way through wine country, but we actually took in a bit of history too.

The kids had a weekend away as well.  They had their own adventure with Gramma and Grampa - and somehow Naomi (am I really that surprised) convinced Gramma to bake a cake for our anniversary.  I should mention that the oven at Gramma's house only gets used on special occasion - so this must have been super special all right LOL!!

When we returned home, the kids came in and presented their masterpiece to us - Naomi told us it was the Niagara Falls Cake.  And boy, was it ever.  Just check out the pic below:

Le Gateau de Niagara Falls
Thanks to Gramma and Grampa for letting us get away!  And to the kids, thank you for the spectacular cake!  Love you!

Keep smiling!

September 28, 2012

Roadside Assistance

Every once in awhile there is something really worthy to write about.  Like the clerk in the store that gives you an extra discount just because - maybe you were chatty and friendly, or she liked your happy outlook on life...that kind of thing. Well, Adventure Mommy had one blog worthy experience like that tonight.  Only better.  Read on.

The Yes Man, Ben and I had just dropped off Naomi at dance class and were heading home.  We were going to make a quick stop at the local Second Cup for a vanilla latte - a nice way to end a busy week.  We were travelling along when the Yes Man suddenly drifted over to the side of the road.  A very dark Highway 2 actually.  We had run O-U-T of gas.  Seriously.  That happened.  So we called Nissan Roadside Assistance - and although we had a very nice and friendly lady on the other end of the phone who lived in New Brunswick, she was unable to get any assistance to us here in Pickering.  What's up with that??

The Yes Man decided to make a run for the nearest gas station.  Ben and I waited in the car.  Then a tow truck pulled up behind us and voila!  Out pops the Yes Man and the tow truck driver.  With a gas can!! Yipee!!  So we filled up the tank and ooohhhhh - the battery was dead.  Seriously.  So the tow truck guy gave us a boost too.

I took the opportunity to jump out and thank this man very much for getting us out of a jam and to ask him if I could include him in my blog.  Sure thing.  Thank you Dave!  You got the Yes Man and Adventure Mommy on our way.  Isn't it great when stories have happy endings like this?  That's why I love to blog about things just like this.  There really are some fantastic people out there that just enjoy being helpful and friendly.

And I got to meet his fiancee (apparently Brad had just caught them coming out from supper at a restaurant on his way to the gas station).  Her name is Teresa Alice and she owns a company called Conundrum Decor. this like the nana story - the "Deer Crossing" sign from our road trip last year to the Finger Lakes?  I like to think so.

The Yes Man said he will no longer run on empty - meaning the gas tank.  But maybe it's a subtle reminder - a metaphor for life.

Keep smiling!

You Know Your Kids Are Growing Up When...

Lately I've been noticing some sure signs that my kids are growing up. Not just the fact that their feet are as big as boats (actually, Naomi has canoe feet and Ben has the paddles LOL!)  but some other signs have been popping up.

Naomi has mentioned in passing that she is now too old to play in the McDonalds playplace.  Oh well - I'm not too sad about that as we have come out of the Playplace with mysterious wet spots on knees and elbows...need I say more?  All the mommies out their are nodding their heads...yes, I remember that wet spot and I don't think it was a spilled drink.  Yuck!

And, she no longer thinks it's cool to hold my hand when we are walking to school, or walking anywhere for that matter.  And she is definitely not wearing anymore "little kid" clothes - we are now officially launched into Aeropostal, Ardene and the likes (not my liking mind you, but hers!)  

Ben, on the other hand, still likes to hold my hand.  I'm tempted to write "loves" there, but that may be a little strong of a word!  Like is okay by me!  And he still wants me to read to him, scratch his back and sing songs to him at bedtime.  So that's good too.  And I can still make him laugh without rolling his eyes at me.  Another check.

As I'm typing this I realize that I'm starting to relate to Naomi in a new way too. I'm seeing her growing up - and how proud she makes me. She's becoming more helpful around the house and she is even starting to set her own timetable for homework!  Yes!  Naomi.  This is a big change for our little Naomi.  Oops.  Little Naomi.  Well, to the Yes Man and I she'll always be little Naomi or Magoo no matter how big her feet get.

Keep smiling!  And thanks to all my readers...Adventure Mommy is a hop, skip and a jump away from 3,500 hits!!!! Yipee!!!

September 21, 2012

You Have My Heart Yes Man

Happy 16th Anniversary to my best friend, my one and only love and my favourite Yes Man, Brad.

Keep smiling!

Meester Arteest

Some candid shots of the artist hard at work...

the Arteest hard at work...shhhh

the Arteest having a moment...
the reveal - c'est magnifique!
I paid top dollar for this beauty piece of art - $10.  The Yes Man felt I'd overpaid, but I know someday this will be worth millions!!

Keep smiling!

September 12, 2012

The Question Bucket

When Naomi was in SK and grade 1, myself and two other mommies from the same class formed a little lunch group.  We would alternate taking the girls for lunch - to give the other 2 mommies a break for the day (or at least to only have one kid home).  This worked out quite well, although when you get 3 girls together, silliness, giggles and sometimes tears ensue.  And the kids were like that too!  Ha! Ha!

Anyway, to keep the lunch hour from a)getting completely out of control and b)to keep all the girls sitting down and focused on their lunch, I made up a few questions to ask them.  This went over surprisingly well (well, I thought it did). So the next lunch hour I added more questions, sometimes they were math related, sometimes they were drawing suggestions e.g.:Draw a mouse wearing a hat.  And they loved it!  These 3 girls started asking me to create new questions for the bucket and "Can we play Question Bucket today?"  I even took this bucket into school with me when I was covering lunches for the grade 2 and 3 class.

But one additional reason that I created this bucket was for Naomi.  To help her with her reading skills and also her confidence when she was with her peers.  It worked!

I saw this bucket on the shelf in our playroom today during lunch when Ben had his friend over.  Hmmmm.  I wonder would he like this too?  They each answered 2 questions and that was it.  Not as enthusiastic as I was hoping for but hey! They are boys.  And nothing beats checking out the go-cart or playing Skylanders on the wii.

I felt a little teary as I put the bucket back on the much fun we had with that and how many laughs at the answers and little drawings that came out of that game.

Sometimes the best things come from the littlest idea.

Keep smiling!

September 10, 2012

A Fish Out of Water

Last night I was catching up with my mom on the was great to talk to her.  She asked me if I felt like a fish out of water - after having been up at the trailer for almost 10 weeks (can you believe how lucky I am to be able to do that??).  I would be lying if I answered "no".  So yes.  I do feel a little like that. And that's okay.  Isn't change good?  I think the more change the better - continually learning to bend and not break...that's the goal.  I would also like to report how relaxed I feel.  And the huge laugh the Yes Man and I had last night. I was loading up the dishwasher and doing all my regular CEO chores when I asked him what was on his calendar for tomorrow.  He gave me the run down of his (usually) hectic day.  Then I said "hmmm, what's on my calendar for tomorrow?" (looking at the calendar on the fridge).  "Oh, nothing"  Hilarious!! What I really meant was nothing out of the ordinary - like volunteering at the school or the old age home, or meeting up with the ladies for a latte...Boy did we laugh!  I think it took him off guard for a sec.  It's so good to laugh.  And to be home.  And chillin' with the Yes Man.

It's all good.

Thank you!

Keep smiling!

September 6, 2012

Heart in Hand

I have attempted to write this blog many times over the past year.  I just couldn't get the words right.  So here goes -

A few years ago, when my Nana died, I had an opportunity to teach my daughter Naomi all about hearts in hands.  I just came up with it on the fly - and it really stuck with her (and me).  You see, we were at my nana's funeral and Naomi was seated near a cousin of mine.  Naomi chose that particular time to question her incessantly about her lack of boyfriend / husband in her life.  I heard about it later that day from another cousin and I was mortified.  Oh boy.  It's one thing to have that conversation, but it doesn't ususally involve a 7 year old!  And on the same day, Naomi decided to question her nana on a few things.  Needless to say, I was mortified again and knew that I had to talk to Naomi.

I took the time to explain to her that when we are in conversation with people, talking face to face, you are the keepers of their hearts for that brief moment. You hold their heart in the palm of your hand and you are trusted to keep it safe. And that she hadn't done that.  Of course, she was only 7 at the time and didn't know that she crushed a few hearts that day - but those hearts forgave her for that.  It was a valuable lesson - and I know that she thinks about that conversation because sometimes she's reminds me that I hold her heart too.

If that's not learning, then I don't know what is!

Keep smiling!

August 25, 2012

Oh Buoy!

Adventure Mommy is officially licenced to operate a boat in Canada!  I said at the beginning of the summer that I would accomplish this and lo and behold, I have!  The Yes Man has it in his head that I'm going to chauffeur him around on the water now... little does he know that I paid extra attention to the Safety section of the studying and I will be going over our safety checklist and making sure we are more than sufficient!  LOL!!

This will add an entirely new dimension to our summer vacation at the trailer with mom...I think Naomi is more stoked about me getting my licence than I am! "Can we tube now?  How 'bout now?  What about now?"  I can already hear it...!!

There is something totally exciting about boating out on the open lake - the views, the breeze, jumping into deep (and not weedy) water...I sing a song to the kids whenever we are getting ready to jump in and Ben's asking "Is it cold?  Are there weeds?"  It goes like this (pretend you are in the Army singing with your Captain):

I don't know what I've been told
Gee this lake water sure looks cold
I'm gonna jump in
I'm gonna dive in
I'm gonna get myself all wet
Oh yeah!

Keep smiling!  And keep getting your feet wet with new exciting adventures!!!

August 23, 2012

Yah Baby - Groovy!

I saw this on a friends Facebook page - and it totally goes along with my earlier blog...This Generation.

Wow!  Our generation rocks!

Keep smiling!

This Generation

The other day up here at the trailer, I was fooling around with the built in stereo system.  Considering this trailer is only 11 years old, it's a little surprising that the built in stereo has a tape deck.  What's even more surprising is the fact that neither of my kids has any idea what a tape deck is!  And try to explain this when you don't have a tape handy...very difficult!

This generation, my kids generation, generation X's kids (I hope I got that right!) has no idea whatsoever about tape decks, 8 track tapes, corded telephones, typewriters....what else?  In a generation of techno friendly children from the age of 2 (seriously!) they have missed all the techno gadgets that came along before.  

And not only do they have no idea about these ancient gadgets, but they don't care that they don't know.  Naomi and Ben are not chasing me trying to find out what these gizmos were (do they even know the term "gizmo"?).  There is no running to the dictionary to look up their meaning, or maybe a photo of them...just a simple shrug of the shoulders and onto the next iTunes upload.

However, having said all this...Grampa brought some cottage games over last week.  We now have original Monopoly, PayDay and Yahtzee. Seriously.  The original versions.  And guess what?  Naomi and her pals play PayDay in the Secret Club House and totally love it.  Really.  They are in there for hours at a time playing...they make plans at the park for who's coming over to play next!  Hilarious.  For all that changes, somethings stay the same.

Keep smiling!
The Secret Clubhouse (aka the shed)

August 17, 2012

The Kite Flyer

The Kite Flyer
What a day!  It was the perfect kite flying day and Ben and I took a dollar store kite down to the frog pond to catch the wind.  Wow! Did it sail and soar! Dipped, dived and crashed.  We were laughing with each other.  And complimenting each other on our mad skills!  Honestly, these are the moments.  I hope that I will always remember this day.  The way Ben ran and laughed and tried to catch the graceful red tail flying through the air - and the blue and white backdrop of a sky so perfect.  Ahhh.  Summertime.

This reminded me of my Roots and Wings blog - how we want our kids to soar and sail in life.  Be the best they can be.  And I found this gem of a quote by Erma Bombeck:

I see children as kites. You spend a lifetime trying to get them off the ground. You run with them until you're both breathless...they crash... you add a longer tail... they hit the rooftop... you pluck them out of the spout... you patch and comfort, adjust and teach. You watch them lifted by the wind and assure them that someday they'll fly.

Finally, they are airborne, but they need more string and you keep letting it out and with each twist of the ball of twine, there is a sadness that goes with the joy because the kite becomes more distant and somehow you know that it won't be long before that beautiful creature will snap the lifeline that bound you together and soar as it was meant to soar... free and alone.

Only then do you know that you did your job.

-----Erma Bombeck (February 21, 1927 – April 22, 1996) 

Keep smiling!

August 13, 2012

A Year in Recap

The past year has been a real journey.  A journey of self discovery.  Something that I have discovered (well, I have a huge list - but this one stands out).  We all have our own stuff that we are dealing with.  And that as we overcome these issues, there are always more waiting around the corner for us.  But that is what life is all about.  And that is the real adventure in all of this.  Finding out who we are.  What makes us tick.  What makes us laugh, cry, compassionate, sad, real.

So what I thought that I would like to write about is the things that really stand out for me - that I feel I learned tons from during this part of my life.

Firstly, family and friends.  They actually appear throughout my list - but I wanted to put them at the top!

Then its all about saying Yes - that's still something I'm working on.  Saying yes more than no.  I keep reminding the Yes man (jeez, he really sets the bar high on that one 'cause he can't say no - one of those types).  Yes - I keep reminding the Yes man that I'm a work in progress.  We had a huge laugh over that one yesterday.  In a good way.  Thanks, Yes man.

Next, love.  Keep as much love in your life as humanly possible.

And gratitude.  Say thank you - all the time.  Thank you to whatever it is you believe in - God, the clouds, a greater spiritual being...whatever.  Just say it.  This will come back to you ten fold.  Or more.

I still find myself having moments where I think "Ah-ha!"  I have forgotten that I wanted to say Yes more, or say thank you today.  That kind of thing.  But I don't beat myself up for forgetting.  Because I remember that I'm on an adventure - and Yes man - I am a work in progress!

Keep smiling!

August 4, 2012

Karaoke Mama!

Last night was Karaoke night here at the Park.  What a hoot!  My friend Anna and I joined in all the fun - and listened to some great singers!  There is one lady in our park who should be singing on stage every night she was that good.

Anna and I got a hold of the song list - there must have been thousands to choose from.  And of course, you want to pick a song that you a)know the words and b)can somewhat carry the tune of.  So we hemmed and hawed over some great and not so great choices.  I liked the 70's type songs as these are like second nature to me.  Anna, (and maybe because she is 3 years younger)however, wasn't overly familiar with my selections - who doesn't know Knock 3 Times by Tony Orlando and Dawn?  Come on!  Well, she didn't, so back to the list.  Anna wanted to perform Paradise City by G n'R - I wasn't into that - I know the words alright, but that is a tough act to follow - plus who can sing in that high voice like Axle??  LOL!

So we settled on Raise Your Glass by Pink.  And had a great time up there singing.  Our friend Christine joined in too - but she kept singing into her beer glass and trying to drink from the mic! LOL!  Hilarious!

You know - I love to sing.  I loved it as a kid - I remember singing at the cottage all the time.  I come from a very musically talented family if I do say so.  And yes, I do say so.  We even sang harmonies - how great is that?

And this brings me round to my dad - who would have turned 69 today - so happy birthday dad.  He kept us all singing along with his guitar playing and piano hands.  Love you and miss you.  And here's a weird coincidence (auntie Jul this is for you).  We were in Lakefield yesterday - and two of the shops we were in were playing John Denver...hmmmmm.

Get out there and sing today!

Keep smiling!

August 3, 2012

Adventure Mommy is almost at 3,000 hits!!  Wow!  Awesome.  I am totally amazed.  Thank you for reading!

Keep smiling!

I'm an Apple Girl

Adventure Mommy is a true Apple girl.  Our first home computer (back in 1982) was and Apple IIe - and I thought that was the be all and end all!  We could play Frogger until our hearts content - although, the froggy was green and so was everything else on the screen! LOL!  Things have certainly come along way since those days.

Now I have a MacBook Pro and and iPad - love love love it!  And so do my kids. In fact, we have only had the iPad for 2 days and I have been the mediator to about 20 fights over it already.  Oh brother.  And his older sister. Ha! Ha!

What I've been watching though is how fast kids pick up technology.  It's like lightning speed.  They take their tech toys around with them and come back with a surplus of knowledge.  Although, I've been wondering about that.  The kids don't really know that they know, if you know what I mean.  It almost becomes second nature to them.  Awesome.  And scary at the same time.  This is how kids communicate now.  It's all wi-fi, texting and calling.  This is why I'm so thankful that we are at the trailer for the summer and the kids are out on their bikes, playing basketball, just hanging out at the beach - sans gadgets.  There's enough time for all that business once September comes.

Our daughter's birthday cake - she turned 10 last week - was the ultimate tech toy cake - a giant iPod (thanks to Every OcCAKEsion for this absolutely spectacular cake).  The kids all went crazy over it - and thank goodness they didn't try to turn it on!

Naomi's iPod Birthday Cake

Keep smiling!

July 21, 2012

Feelin' Alright

This past weekend Adventure Mommy and co headed away from the trailer and over to beautiful Oakville.  I love that town!  If we were ever to make a move, I think it would have to be to Oakville, or maybe Belleville, or Kingston - you see I really love the water and would love to live by the water.  Water is soooo peaceful and tranquil.  And especially watching a glorious sunset over the water...nothing beats that.  Ahhhh.  Canada.

Anyway, we headed to Oakville for a family get together.  Summer sunshine, bbq lupper (lunch / supper combo), cold drinks and lots of laughs.  What a fantastic day!  The get together was planned as a party for my uncle Bill - who has the big C - and still living his life as large as ever.  Really.  That's the way to do it.  Go big before you go home.

My cousin, his daughter Angie, is holding up.  Sometimes I have a cry over thinking about her losing him.  Because I can relate.  I heard a song by Rascal Flatts - I Won't Let Go.  I listened to it a lot last summer and had some seriously huge cries over the words.  But now I hear it as Angie standing by her dad.  Ang is that person.  She will stand by you no matter what.  She is so strong.  I know that she will have her moment - when she may not be able to stand...and I will be there for her.  A big hug.  Sharing a memory.  Maybe a laugh or two.  And I will be there for her.

When our nana passed away, and we were all standing at her bedside I was bawling.  Ang said to me "Don't worry Lea, I'll be there for you when you go".  We shared a laugh over this - I'm going first??  LOL!

Here is a great pic of Ang and her dad - I love that it is off centre and so natural. Hope she's okay with me sharing it.  And I'm working on a little slideshow - got some fabulous pics from the party.  Even setting it to one of Uncle Bill's favourite songs...

So today, take a moment to be thankful for something.  The sunshine.  The rain. A good friend.  Happy memories.  Family.  Love.

July 17, 2012

On Turning 10

Our daughter is turning 10 - although we always joke around that she's 9 going on 15!  Anyone that has a daughter is probably nodding their head in agreement!

I remember (like it was yesterday) holding Naomi for the first time and looking into those dark eyes and thinking "before I know it, she'll be ten."  Seriously.  I had that thought.  And the time does go by that fast.  A blink really.

While we were at the beach yesterday, I was thinking about Naomi growing up. How she may not want to play on the sandpile next year.  And she's already told me that she's too big now to play in McDonalds Playplace.  I can still remember the first time she got brave enough to go down the slide and how we cheered "Yeah! Naomi! You did it!!"  LOL!  Isn't it memories like that that make parenting so worth it?  It's a little compensation for all the moments that aren't so wonderful.  Yep.  You get them all when you're a mom.

So a big thank you to my daughter, Naomi.  I look forward to all our adventures in the next 10 (did I really say that?  What am I - crazy??)!

Keep smiling!

July 12, 2012

The Yes Man was Right!

The yes man said these very words to me about 20 years ago when I felt very lost after my dad died...then reminded me of them again last year.  He said "You are so get to make a choice about what kind of person you want to be.  You can choose to be happy or not."  Thank you yes man. And thanks for standing by me when I felt like I was starting all over again.

No, I'm not a (school) teacher

Many people ask me if I am a teacher.  This is always a surprise to me - do I look like a teacher?  Is there a certain look a teacher has?  I think the reason so many people ask me is because I have the summer "off".  LOL!  Ok - I have to admit that I totally love summer vacation probably as much as any kid.   There's no set schedule and we get to spend tons of time outdoors just hangin' out and playing. What's not to love about that?  Ok - another truth - sometimes the 3 mousekeeteers  get on each others nerves.  Enough said!  And guess what?  I would have loved being a teacher.  So I take that passion and use it in other ways - like volunteering with kids and elderly, and helping out with other fun things - like the craft up here yesterday - that was a hoot!  Or was it a roar?  It is safari week after all!

Anyway, I love to write - my blog, in my journal, little poems and songs for the kids - you get the idea.  And I'm pretty quick on my feet with it!  I can usually get the kids laughing with my silliness.

So - here's one I just came across this morning that I wrote for my cousin Jess who was looking after Roxy when we were in Portugal and Spain a couple of years ago.  I thought it was funny that when I was cleaning out my sent items this morning that I found it - funny because Jess has Roxy this week too!

And here it is...hope you get a giggle from it.  BTW, you have to imagine that you are a baritone singer really booming it out - like you are marching and majestically singing!

To Jessica from Roxy:

SheŹ¼s a cute little thing 
Who knows her way
Like sit, paw and Roxy stay 

She loves to snuggle, 
SheŹ¼d do that all day.

Please take good care of our dog.

She eats only dog food,
With the occasional treat,
Like banana or strawberry
Or an O made of wheat (aka cheerios)
No chocolate, raisins or grapes
For this fine lady

Please take good care of our dog, SheŹ¼s our baby!!

She loves her crate when itŹ¼s sleepy time 
A snuggly blanket will do her just fine.
A few walks a day will keep her in line,

Please take good care of our dog.
(We know you will)

Have fun and thank you so much for looking after Roxy. We love you!!
Lea & Brad 

Keep smiling!

July 10, 2012

Fun in the Sun!

We are officially launched into our summer holiday!  The yes man took the first week off and joined us for a fun filled week up here at the trailer.  We also had friends in from the good old USA come up for a visit and an overnight - lots of laughs and good times.

We spent lots of time on our boat too - and had a trip over to a favourite lake that involved going through 3 locks!  Roxy was on board with us and she even had a dip in the lake with the rest of us! LOL!  Still not too sure how much she enjoys that!  And if you're ever around Youngs Point - make it a point to stop at the Old Mill Inn for lunch - you won't be disappointed!  A big thanks to our fabulous server Bailey who kept our beer glasses full and the kids entertained.

The weekend brought another adventure - by boat - over to the cottage where we celebrated 100 years of the cottage.  Yes, that's right.  A party for the cottage! Any reason to celebrate, right?  A huge turnout and wonderful bbq supper and lots of fun.  A great way to spend the day!  And Naomi had her first sleep out in a tent...although it was hardly "roughing" it - the yes man put an air mattress in for the girls.  What a great dad.  Ben and I, however, spent the night in a comfy bunk bed inside the cottage.  That's my idea of "roughing" it!  Ha! Ha!

Well, back to just the 3 mousekeeteers at the trailer and the yes man working hard in the hot city weather - have I ever thanked him for this?  I sure have - all the time!  Thanks yes man - we love you!

Oh - and thanks to Jess and Jimbo for inviting Roxy for the week...I think Jimbo was missing his girl (he thinks Roxy is his LOL!)  and who's kidding who?  Roxy totally loves Jimbo!  She always has a big snuggle saved just for him!  And our girl turned 3 yesterday - happy birthday, Roxy!

Roxy at Jimbo's

And guess what?  I'm covering the craft here tomorrow at the park...our Rec. Director is going to be away and asked me!  Yeah!  Sure I'll do it...sounds like fun!  It is Safari week after all. :o)

Keep smiling!

July 4, 2012

It's Summertime!

Yeah!  Summer vacation is finally here!  The kids, yes man and I are up at the trailer enjoying this beautiful spot and sunshiny weather!  I do plan on blogging while I'm here - so stay tuned!  I hope to have many interesting stories and adventures sprinkled with lots of laughter and good times!

Keep smiling - and thanks for reading!

June 27, 2012

Wonderful Nate

Well, I am officially almost unemployed - my little guy's last day is tomorrow.  I really tried hard to be brave and not to cry.  I say that with a grin.  I knew it would hit me - hard.  What's not to love about Nate?  (That's his name - hope his mom doesn't mind that I've put that in the blog).

We were walking Roxy this morning - part of our usual routine - and Nate usually holds the leash (also part of our routine).  Roxy got caught up in the leash and Nate said "Uh-oh - Roxy is over and under" - I laughed and laughed. I'll miss those funny little Nate-isms.  Those are one of my favourite things about him.

Something else I love about Nate...and I caught this the first week we spent together.  He loves routine and repetition.  Our first day we made Jell-o, played Hullabaloo and danced to some great songs!  He wanted a repeat the next day. So that's what we did.  And so it went from week to week - throwing in some new stuff to keep it exciting and also having some old stuff to keep it steady.

So, I made a photo book for Nate and his mom and called it "Hangin' with Nate" - a little momento of our journey over the past 6 months.  I hope they like it.

And today, I was honoured to get him ready for his graduation.  We ironed his shirt, buttoned it up, put on the pants and tie and combed the hair.  And not to forget, a little Superman cologne (thanks for that Ben).  Ben saw Nate all fancied up and gave a whistle (yes, that whistle) and Nate laughed.  Me too.

Out for pictures - all my graduates get their picture taken in our garden.  Well wouldn't you know it?  I started crying (and I am a little now too!) and gave him a big hug and told him I'll miss him.  He said "I'll miss you too".  Now if that isn't the nicest thing that a 6 year old can say to you!  I meant something to this little guy.  I was important in his life - and I hope that he always takes a little piece of that with him in his heart.

Go forward Nate - you are wonderful!

Keep smiling!

Best Trade Ever

I came across this on a friends FB page and loved it.  It's so true.  This is one of the more important things I've learned along the way this year.  Wouldn't it be great if everyone thought this way?  What a world we would have then!  I think this is a real ahhh-haaa moment...hmmmm.  Funny how life works, isn't it? When we open up (say yes) to life, it just gets better!  

Keep smiling!

June 26, 2012

It's All Good

Today was my last visit with the seniors at the home until September - and although I know many of them don't remember me from week to week, I found myself telling them see you in a few weeks (instead of a few months).  I have seen some of the residents really decline over the past few months and that is difficult. But other residents are just as vibrant and funny as they ever were and I look forward to seeing them in the fall.  I absolutely love going there - and really believe that the old saying "Spend more time with people under 6 and over 70" is true.
This week is also the finishing up of my time with my little guy (nice segue).  We have officially 2 more days together - but I know I'll be seeing him during the summer and hey, he lives 2 doors away from me!  I have a little surprise for him (really his mom) and I hope they love it.  I don't want to say too much on Adventure Mommy because I know that his mom is a fan of my blog (yeah!).

Also winding up this week is grade 4 and grade 1 for my two.  I think Ben is a little disappointed as he loves school and his chums, but Naomi can't wait.  Bring on summer vacation is her mantra! LOL!

The best thing about all these endings, is that I know, know for sure, that there are many new adventures waiting for me.  And that sometimes good things end to bring on great things!
Well, I'm going to keep on keeping on and continuing my adventures through the summer - can't wait!

Thanks for reading and...

Keep smiling!

June 21, 2012

Trust the Universe (a Deepak Moment)

When I read this I am reminded of the wonderful day I had at Oprah's Life Class.  Say "Yes" to the Universe and all will be yours!


(If you could pretend that the word Yes is flashing with stars shooting off it that would be great!  Thanks!)

Keep smiling!

Great Things

So true.

Keep smiling!

June 20, 2012

Happy Birthday Adventure Mommy!

Adventure Mommy has been blogging for 1 year!  WOW!!  And a huge thank you to all my readers.

Cheers to more adventures...

Keep smiling!

June 19, 2012


The Chatty Shopper Strikes Again

I was at Loblaws yesterday (my daughter used to call it Blah-blahs!!) and I was feeling super chatty.  Unfortunately, the store was pretty empty - maybe I was a bit too early?  Anyway, I was fortunate to find a chatty kid being pushed around in one of those fancy car-carts and he started chatting to me.  Well, I happened to be in the pop & chip aisle and ahhhhhhh!  I saw it.  President's Choice Sweet and Salty popcorn.  Yummmmm.  If you've never tried it, head over and grab a bag.  It's on sale too.  Seriously.  It's super hard to find - it must be one of their more popular items especially in summertime with bbq's and campfires (oh, now I'm dreaming of the trailer).
So I grab 4 bags and say out loud "This stuff is awesome.  And it's on sale too. I'll grab 4 bags because they run out so fast."  Loblaws really should hire me too - I can sell anything LOL!
So the mommy of this chatty kid moves her cart around in my direction and says "Really?  I've never tried it."  So you know I'm going sell it - "Wow!  You'll love it - you can't go wrong - and even better - it's on sale."  Didn't she grab a bag.  Ta Da! Just like that.  The power of moms - I tell you.  There's a whole big idea in there somewhere...

Keep smiling!

What is Beautiful to You?

Last night while lying with my son Ben at bedtime (our regular snuggle time)he asked me quietly "What is beautiful?"  I answered "the garden, sunrises and sunsets".  He said "I think you are."
I told Ben that was possibly the nicest, sweetest thing that anyone has ever said to me.
Thank you, Ben.  You are beautiful too.

Keep smiling!

June 12, 2012

Moving Forward

Sometimes I write about fluff because I can't find the words that I really want to write down.  They just haven't surfaced yet.  But today I want to write about tears of clarity.  That's what I call them.  When you cry, not because you are sad, but because you have figured something out.  An ahhh-haaa moment.  Maybe I should really call them Ahh-haa tears...that's more fitting.
Anyway, I digress...this morning at the home was a bit sad.  Some of my favourite residents are sliding down the slippery slope and I think to myself that I can just be there for them.  That is my role.  To bring some sunshine into their world.  I know I do that - I see it in their smiles and in their eyes.  Wow.
So back to my ahhh-haaa tears...that's where they are coming from.  I recognized my purpose today.  This is my job.  This is what I'm meant to do.  To give.  And I'm good at it!  And I love it.  Thank you.

Keep smiling!

June 10, 2012

Rock n' Roll

Naomi and Ben are on stage tonight in a rock n' roll show at a local bar.  Ben will be drumming his heart out to White Stripes 7 Nation Army and Naomi will be strumming her guitar to Michael Jackson's Billy Jean.  Should be awesome!  We even had to reserve seats as the show is usually a sell out!

Right now the kids are outside on their new "Slip and Slide" - believe me, that "deal" we thought we got was a total dud.  For $9.99 the "awesome spray tunnel" is more like a little trickle and a big disappointment (at least for the yes man anyway).  But hey!  The kids are making the most of it!

We're also getting ready for Naomi turning 10!  We were ordering her birthday cake yesterday from our little Italian bakery - and I was remembering her first birthday cake - complete with Tinkerbell on wheels.  And Naomi in her little dress (which is one of the only outfits that I kept from her baby years).  Goodbye Tink and hello to growing up, ordering her own cake - chocolate with chocolate and more chocolate.  Should be a beauty.  Just like our girl.  Thanks for a great 10 years Naomi and here's to more wonder-filled adventures for the next 10!

Keep smiling!

June 4, 2012

Look Out! Dragon Slayers Compete!

The Dragon Slayers dragon boat crew raced through the waters of Lake Ontario yesterday...4 times!!  What a day!  Imagine 20 women (actually, 18 women and 2 men - we had a crew change) all decked out in our finest rainwear paddling our hearts out.  We really did.  During the first race of 500m our oarsman thought it was in our best interest to yell out that we were 200m in...Yikes!!  Do not do that when you are less than half way!  Believe me - I could almost hear all the groans and I'm sure the boat went off stroke because of that LOL!

Well, we finished 4th place (of 5) and most of the crew slightly discouraged - although I wasn't - only my muscles were seriously shaking from the stress on them.  Get me a juice and quick!  Anyway, I was happy for two reasons: 1)that we had competed well in our first ever race and 2)that our first ever race was behind us.
A souvenir

So, we ate and chit chatted away the time until our next race - a 200m which we thought we had in the bag...but we didn't.  We came 5th (out of 5).  But still, we were a team with heart!  Our 3rd race brought in a new oarswoman (yes, a woman) and a drummer who worked so well together.  She gave us a respectable 4th place finish (tied actually) and we went on to race 4 which thank goodness was only a 200m because by this point the Slayers were pretty much done.  But, we were still smiling and laughing (mostly).  So, a powerful start and our tough guns brought us to....2nd place!  Yeah!!!!!  We were so ecstatic I think we were almost crying (well, me anyway).  And then we hi-fived the next team going out and packed up and headed home.  Soaked.  Tired.  Proud.

Beware the mighty Dragon Slayers

Keep smiling!

May 30, 2012

A Little Ditty

Okay - you know I love to write in my blog, but did you know that I love to make up songs?  I must have made up hundreds (well, tens at least) of songs for my kids when they were little.  My sister-in-law is probably rolling her eyes thinking back to all the singing I did at the cottage (I have a wagon...bringing back any memories, Nance?).  She used to make fun of me - but I think that secretly she loved hearing them!  So there!  Anyway, one song that I sing just about every night (still) to Ben is Hop into Bed.  It's just a little rhyme - but you know what? He sings right along with me.  And if Naomi hears it, she sings along too.  And for all the teasing that the yes man does, he remembers every song that I ever made up and sang to the kids.  Brings a tear to my eye - LOL!  Anyway, if you have kids, you can go ahead and sing this song to them, or sing it to yourself. Nothing wrong with that!

Hop into bed
Snuggle up tight
Roll on over and
Turn out the light
It's time, to say,

Just a catchy little diddy from yours truly.  Hmmmmm.  Big idea - maybe I should record them and post them on YouTube? LOL!

Keep smiling!

A Little Magic

Sometimes we all need a little make believe!  Thanks Sir Henry (of Casa Loma).

Keep smiling!

May 26, 2012

¡feliz cumpleaƱos!

Well today Adventure Mommy turns 42. That's right.  
My auntie Jul sent me this lovely email this morning:
"today begins another year of adventure, great joys, simple pleasures, giving, playing, learning, reflecting,Loving, growing, understanding, working hard, and  being a person who brings  a great deal of pride to our family! 
Happy Birthday Dear...Keep Smiling!!!"

My friends Steph, Michelle, Liron & Andrea invited me for a beautiful luncheon - complete with was spectacular!  Steph and Michelle could easily have their own successful catering company.  Just check out this lovely was the best thing I think I have ever eaten!

And my daughter made this beautiful work of art for me...thank you, Naomi.  I love it!

And the birthday celebrations continued into the evening with a dinner out with family.

42 is looking good...

Keep smiling!

May 23, 2012

Lemons into Lemonade

I wanted to dedicate this blog entry to my friend, Michelle.  Michelle has had many changes in her life recently and is making lemonade from lemons!  She has started her own business - Set the Stage.  Go Girl!  I helped her with the tag line for her new biz:  "For all the stages in your life".  Seems to suit her new life perfectly.

So - I'll put up a few pics of my great room that she overhauled for me yesterday. She really knows how to pull things together and completely wowed the yes man and I!  In Ben's words, "Awwwwwesommmme!"

Thanks Michelle - looking forward to our next if we could just get the yes man on board!

The Great Room (isn't it great!!)
Another shot of our Great Room (big thanks to Set the Stage)

Keep smiling!

20th Century Tom

There's a little indie pet store in our neighbourhood (one of the benefits to not driving far...I've really discovered all things necessary are close to home!).  The shop owner is Tom.  Now Tom is a little quirky, which is one of the things I like about him.  He is always smiling and has a positive outlook.

So I'm in there today picking up dog food and paying with my credit card.  Now he is just about to tell me to put the chip in the card thingy - but realizes that my card is "old school".  And then I make an appointment to have Roxy groomed and looking fine.  He asks me "Don't you have one of those blueberry things to keep all your appointments on? (yes, you read that right).  I said no, that I'm old school and have a good old fashioned cell phone.  He says "You really are from the 20th century, aren't you?"  Then I say back to him (sort of like you've done it now, Tom)  "All right Tom.  Now you're going in my blog!"  He laughed and laughed.

Isn't it great to smile and laugh?  Try it.  Try it now.  LOL!!  Got ya, didn't I?

Keep smiling!

May 18, 2012

Thoughts on Laughing (aka Mission Impossible)

Sometimes the best laughs come when you least expect them.  Not from jokes, or visiting a comedy club or seeing a funny movie...but just the regular, everyday little crazies that make us smile...or fall down laughing with milk coming out of our noses (uhhh, that's never happened to me, I'm just saying).  Well, my little guy was over the other day, and I was talking to the yes man - he happened to be hanging around that morning.  I was explaining to the yes man about cleaning our front windows.  Now, the windows are quite high up - and we have a "balcony" in front of them - it's really a glorified ledge with no railing, you get the picture, very dangerous.  Anyway, I was demonstrating how I was going to get from the front porch over to this ledge with the Windex and Bounty in hand...real Mission Impossible style.  Sound effects and all.  And crouching down with my arms outstretched shimmying around the corner (picture Tom Cruise - ....wait, I'm still picturing Tom Cruise)!  All of a sudden I realize that my little guy is totally cracking up at this - mouth open, eyes tearing up...full on, milk out the nose laughing!  I must have been quite a site. LOL!  I did it a few more times for effect - and still the laughing continued!!  Ha! Ha!  Sometimes I really crack myself up!  Isn't it great to be alive!!!!

Next time I'm cleaning the windows I'll try this method...

Keep smiling!